• Just a few observations.

    I downloaded and started playing with Movable Type Open Source. It has a multiple blog plugin that is included with it . . . WordPress needs to copy this. I know MT takes alot of cues from WP, but WP needs to create multiple blog functionality like this for those of us with 10-20 blogs that don’t want to deal with MU.

    Movable Type Open Source also has a nice Admin section which I hope WP exceeds in the next release. The MT Admin section is really really slick.

    At the end of the day, I love WordPress, but I was curious to check out Movable Type.

    I really hope the WP developers take a look at Movable Type Open Source and take some cues from it and make WordPress even better.

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  • WordPress needs to copy this

    Why? I think everybody here should send me a million dollars. Why can I exist a check from you? Ideas needs reasoning behind them and need to be explained. Else I expect a check from you within 24 hours. ??

    There already exists multiple blog hacks as well. If you do a search for that term, you should be able to find it right off. (And, if not here, it’s talked about every so often in the mu forums.) And since most folks are being served by hosting backends that install wordpress with a couple simple clicks, it;s easy to install and upgrade multiple copies of the software.

    The MT Admin section is really really slick.</blockqout>

    It’s a piece of s*cough* if you ask me. It doesn’t work in Netscape or IE6, things are not logically laid out, the wordpress importer has issues with seeing all of the content of a xml file (granted some of those issues are on wordpress’ end), you can’t adjust some settings for new defaults, etc.

    If you want to suggest specifics, I would recommend using the trac system at https://trac.www.remarpro.com Do note though that you;re going to have to explain yourself.

    Thread Starter mynetweblogs


    You are pretty ignorant. I was just trying to start some conversation you moron.

    Well, I’ll jump in. I started using MT way back in the day (around 2002). I stayed with it, despite the fact that IMHO it was a royal PITA to tweak your templates or design for it b/c of the myriad templates involved for everything. Index, archive, three kinds of archive templates, comment templates, etc., etc., etc. I got real clever at using “modules” to stash pieces of code.

    When the licensing debacle in Spring 2004 was in full swing, I started using WP. Even back then (WP 1.2) I thought WP had it all over MT, simply because of the fact that you didn’t need all those other templates and files. And .. because you didn’t need to sit there while your blog with three or four years’ worth of posts “rebuilt” itself. Of course, MT now has dynamic PHP capabilities (MT has taken more from WP than WP has–or needs to–from MT, and there’s a reason for that).

    And rather than employing universally understood PHP code, MT uses its tag system which can take some getting used to. Back then, the MT Forum (not run by any MT staffers, but by dedicated MT fans and users) was active and extremely helpful. That community, as I knew it, unfortunately does not exist anymore.

    Now all this, obviously, was back before it became Open Source so maybe this will be the kick in the pants it needs. To be honest with you, I’m not so sure. Of course it has its loyal fan base that will stick with it no matter what.

    I downloaded MT4 when it came out a few months ago and played around with it, but it’s not something I see spending a lot of time on, and I design web sites for a living. The fact of the matter is quite a good bit of my business comes from my former MT clients wanting to move to WP and have their designs ported or new designs. I’ve done ONE MT design in the last 18 months. And that was for someone who had paid for a commercial license and had a vested interest in sticking with the chosen blog app. FWIW.

    But I will say, having also dabbled in WPMU, that if WP does nothing else, it should examine MT and implement a similar multi blog system. I wouldn’t be surprised if some people choose MT over WP for this reason ONLY and if WP could capture that crowd… Well.

    So I agree with you 100% on that point.

    I’ll give a +1 for the idea of a (at least limited) multi-blog facility in WordPress. It’s the only thing I really miss from MT. And if anyone agrees, they really should be rating this idea up:


    Other than that…

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