No, but I’ve searched the internet and there is not a lot of people that have wrestled and written about this issue and its actually a very important issue. Its not about “living without a technology”…so how can I get both.
It comes more down to what is the “best way” or “tool” to build a website and obviously the answer is going to be different between say a small mom and pop shop as compared to a fortune 500.
Do you use a CMS that has been modified over the years to output a descent website with themes and plugins ?
Do you start with a foundation with themes and libraries?
So if there is a link out there to a paper, blog, or article that discusses the benefits like cost, versus complexity, versus flexibility, versus speed, I haven’t found it. We tried to educate our small businesses that WordPress is the way to go and they are coming back to us telling us Bootstrap is the way they are going…and it threw us for an unexpected loop and we found no real discussion on that topic. Its one we had to wrestle with as well. So I know it’s not unique. I figured the community would have a better handle on it.
Not trying to start a “flame war” or a “mine is better than yours”…more trying to see if people have “resources” that helped them make the decision that I’m not aware of…