• How do I use the WordPress video player on my own hosted site? The video is uploaded and crunched but I can only post it as a link to itself. No actual video. I would like to be able to just upload my videos with my WordPress thingy, I don’t want to have to use youtube or something.

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  • What about using a plugin?
    Here is one that seems popular.

    Thread Starter nineclicks


    So it’s not possible to use the wordpress player?

    When you insert the video, do it from the “Visual” tab, not from the HTML.

    If you need advanced options and setting the size, still from the visual tab, open the “kitchen sink” (the second to last button), and select “video”, the movie roll symbol.

    You can upload from the computer, or write the path to the file on your server (URL).

    Hope this helps.

    Thread Starter nineclicks


    thanks, ill have to try it later.

    @buddha trance,
    Thanks for this. You learn something every day! I was not aware of this. I only use the ‘html’ tab and hence did not know about the ‘kitchen sink’ option!

    @ cipote,

    I always use the ‘html’ tab too, but came across the same issue, and found out about this workaround.

    Inserting video from the html, only gives you a link. But when you use the visual tab, it inserts the video in the post. It appears as a yellow square while in visual mode, but it’s a video when you preview the page normally.

    This way, it’s one less plugin you have to use.

    Thread Starter nineclicks


    Okay im having a problem with this. The video is uploaded as an FLV to my server. and in the visual tab i have the yellow box. but when i preview i just get a white rectangle that looks like an SWF trying to load, but not. Do i need to choose an SWF to play the FLV in myself, or is it supposed to do that itself?


    I uploaded a flv file and tested, I get the same problem when not just streaming video. It looks like a plugin is needed to play flv files.

    Try FLV-Embed.

    Maybe this guide can help you.

    Fantastic help. Thanks alot.

    I have tried to embed a video but I get this error:
    This file is too big. Your php.ini upload_max_filesize is 8M

    This is a very small video, am I really limited to 8M?

    You can try the standard one.

    I wrote a small guide today:

    THANK YOU buddhatrance


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