• Hi dear WorPress friends,

    I have a big discusstion with my Boss who wants to choose Typo3 insted of WordPress. Our Website at the time is a WordPress CMS.
    What can I tell him about the Pro and Conta’s of WordPress! Does it have security problems or not?
    Please help me to convinve my Boss to tale WordPress instead of Typo3!


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  • Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    You could tell your Boss about the knowledge you, or your team has with the technologies. If you say that “I know WordPress, but I don’t know anything about Typo3”, then that should flag up warning bells.

    I think the knowledge of the team is not that important. I would choose the CMS after knowing what I have to build as a new website. Bigger enterprise websites should be done mostly by TYPO3. I have the experience that if I tell bigger companies that I work with TYPO3 I have a chance to get the job. Working with WordPress makes much more sence if I want to have fast efforts, low costs and most all: If I want to have “blog functionalities”. There are plenty of agencies that can setup a bsic TYPO3 installation, some setting with TypoScript … depends on the given requirements.
    Wordpress themes come with too many options, JS and CSS to bring much nice features – I can’t stand this source code. Small companies, small associations and so on may work with WordPress … that’s okay …

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