• My web person wants me to think about using word press for my e commerce site as opposed to one designed using dreamweaver I will want to add all sorts of things like drop down menus, and such.

    can any one tell me what the advantages are?

    and what the disadvantages are?


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    WordPress wasn’t made specifically for e-commerce, but I’ve been running one quite well till now. It has all the advantages of a standard WP installation, like a nice indexation on search engines and ease of use.

    You’ll depend on good WordPress developers to do that if you’re thinking on something specifically made for your business, otherwise there’s a whole set of plugins to WP e-commerce.

    Can you tell me which e-commerce plugin you’ve been using?



    I coded something myself. Didn’t packed everything into a plugin… yet.

    Basically I’ve set meta_values like prices, payment methods, etc for the posts I wanted to be products. So there’s a button that add the posts ID to a $_COOKIE variable array, used to process the check out in another page.

    No plugins met my needs in this case because I used some remote services to calculate shipment prices and so, but I know there’s a lot of plugins for e-commerce in WordPress.

    I’m using wp-ecommerce by instinct, a New Zealand company.

    They have a free version available for download from WordPress, as well as a paid upgrade from their website.

    I’m using wp for an ecommerce site simply because I am familiar with wordpress, and didn’t want to learn a new platform from scratch such as oscommerce.

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