• I do wish WordPress would clearly say in the admin which version of WordPress I AM using….not keep telling me to upgrade to 3.0.1 or whatever. I can’t anywhere find details of the version I’m using, and long ago threw away the zip.

    Another big irritation of WordPress is if you have pages of thumbnails in the media library – like I’ve got 14. You get options to click pages 1, 2 or 3….and then just the final couple of pages! It’s a complete and painfully slow ballache just getting to page 10 to see what’s there!

    Much better understanding and display of media needed.

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  • Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    I do wish WordPress would clearly say in the admin which version of WordPress I AM using

    It does. In two places, no less.

    On your Dashboard, in the Right Now dashboard widget, where it says how many posts etc you have, at the bottom, in bold, it says “You are using WordPress 3.0.1. “

    Also at the footer of EVERY admin page is: “Version 3.0.1” on the lower right.

    Another big irritation of WordPress is if you have pages of thumbnails in the media library – like I’ve got 14.

    Yeah, I have 24 :/ I try to remember to put in info when I upload so I can search for them more quickly.

    Thread Starter hj


    Hi ipstenu, Thanks for reply.

    You are right on first point – it is there on the Right Now widget, just that I never look at the dashboard, just dive straight into admin pages etc. Thanks for tip off ??

    You are wrong about second place, though, it doesn’t say version at bottom right at all….unless you’re actually using version 3.0.1? Mine just says “get version 3.0.1”

    thanks for help.

    Should you be that way inclined, it’s also available (by default) in the meta “generator” tag in all your front-facing pages.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    You are wrong about second place, though, it doesn’t say version at bottom right at all….unless you’re actually using version 3.0.1? Mine just says “get version 3.0.1”

    Nope, I’m right ?? It says what version you’re on, unless you need to upgrade. Then it nags you. This feature is by design.

    Thread Starter hj


    Well I don’t NEED to upgrade….although WordPress keep telling me to!

    And because they’re telling me to upgrade it is NOT showing what version I’m using bottom right.


    Moderator James Huff


    Well I don’t NEED to upgrade….although WordPress keep telling me to!

    You want bug fixes and security improvements, right?

    And because they’re telling me to upgrade it is NOT showing what version I’m using bottom right.

    At least it’s telling you that you aren’t using 3.0.1.

    Thread Starter hj


    Do I want them?…no big deal, really, always worked fine without! (barring the idiosyncrasies of WordPress anyway)

    Telling me that I’m not using 3.0.1 is a bit like a GPS telling me I’m not in London when I’m surrounded by snowcapped peaks. Handy…

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Its more like a 1000 mile checkup. You may only need an oil change and tire rotation, but you should do it anyway. You never know when you need a new fuel pump.

    Seriously, though. Upgrades to minor releases (3.0 to 3.0.1) are usually to fix bugs or security holes. So ignore them at your own risk.

    Frankly, you should probably just do the update and be done with it. If not for you, then for the well being of your visitors. But if you really don’t like it you can shut it off.


    But then the burden of awareness falls completely on you as the user.

    Telling me that I’m not using 3.0.1 is a bit like a GPS telling me I’m not in London when I’m surrounded by snowcapped peaks. Handy…

    It’s more like your GPS telling you that you can get a free upgrade to the latest GPS just by clicking a couple of buttons. Handy? Yes, I think so.

    Thread Starter hj


    It’s more like your GPS telling you that you can get a free upgrade to the latest GPS just by clicking a couple of buttons. Handy? Yes, I think so.

    Probably true in many cases, although I’m on 2.6 and it isn’t just a couple of clicks ??

    The point was, though, that the programme should let people know where they ARE, not where someone else thinks they should be! It does actually do that via the dashboard RIGHT NOW bit, although I’d never noticed it – so I’m fixed on that now. I think it easier if it just said discreetly in the bottom right corner of every admin page’Wordpress 2.6.3′ then I would know where I am – and could then make the decision if I want to upgrade.

    I don’t want to fault WordPress for rolling out improvements, but such messages sometimes remind me of over-zealous store attendants who hover around like flies suggesting all kinds of purchases and reasons to buy…without knowing why I’m there. I might have come in to escape the rain!

    Points taken, though, and I appreciate the answers and suggestions; thanks guys.

    Moderator James Huff


    Probably true in many cases, although I’m on 2.6 and it isn’t just a couple of clicks.

    Just an FYI that 2.6 is full of publicly known security vulnerabilities. If you’re interested:

    1. Backup the files and the database.

    2. Download WordPress 2.7.

    3. Do a manual upgrade to WordPress 2.7.

    4. Repeat step 1, but don’t replace the previous backup (keep both on hand).

    5. Use WP’s automated upgrade to system to upgrade to 3.0.1.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    The point was, though, that the programme should let people know where they ARE, not where someone else thinks they should be!

    Mm, I see what you’re saying, but on the other hand, knowing what I know about how insecure older versions are, I think having a constant nag of ‘Hey! You need to upgrade!’ isn’t bad.

    And IIRC, the newer versions tell you ‘You’re on v 3.0. There’s a new version available.’ Something like that. I’d have to actually NOT upgrade to get the right wording.

    But yeah, you really should seriously consider upgrading. I would add on to James’ notes ‘Turn off ALL plugins first.’ There’s a very good chance you’ve got some old, non-supported, non-3.0-compatible ones installed.

    Thread Starter hj


    Well I suppose we’ll have to agree to differ! I just hate anonymous digital nagging – almost as much as I hate email spam and phone spam.

    So here’s the deal…bottom right corner of all admin screens:

    “WordPress version 2.6.3 (3.0.1 is now available)”


    Moderator James Huff


    So here’s the deal…bottom right corner of all admin screens:

    “WordPress version 2.6.3 (3.0.1 is now available)”


    It’s worded similar to this in WP 3. If you upgraded, you’d see that.

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