I was editing and making all changes for the first few weeks to WP via the web interface to my site provided by my host provider. When I finally synchronized it to my GL site I scolded myself for a good 10 minutes for not doing it from the beginning. GL not only opens up the php files with no problems, but makes it much easier because of both the line numbering and the color coding—not to mention GL’s very good search features. And, of course, the superior site administration features are fantastic.
The issue that arises from time to time is in the way URL’s are handled. Every once in awhile GL substitutes its own version of a relative URL. This will be obvious by the little red “bug” icon next to the file indicating “something” is not quite right. Open the file, click the “bug” icon, place your cursor next to whatever is highlighted, switch to Source view and you can make the necessary changes, save, and re-upload.
This tends to happen with plugins that you may have saved to your hard disk and then dragged and dropped into the GL site. I’ve found that if you save the plugin files directly into the right folder in the GL site to begin with and do a refresh, this issue with the URL doesn’t seem to come up.
GL also has the ability to create php files which has come up a couple of times as well. Hope this helps.