• Hi,
    I tried to open my wordpress site – mosheavni-art.com
    and got a message saying unable to connect because of database errors.
    Tried letting WordPress repair the errors and this is what I got:

    wp_users: Table ‘mosheavn_wpdb.wp_users’ doesn’t exist
    wp_usermeta: Table ‘mosheavn_wpdb.wp_usermeta’ doesn’t exist
    wp_posts: Table ‘mosheavn_wpdb.wp_posts’ doesn’t exist
    wp_comments: Table ‘mosheavn_wpdb.wp_comments’ doesn’t exist
    wp_links: Table ‘mosheavn_wpdb.wp_links’ doesn’t exist
    wp_options: Table ‘mosheavn_wpdb.wp_options’ doesn’t exist
    wp_postmeta: Table ‘mosheavn_wpdb.wp_postmeta’ doesn’t exist
    wp_terms: Table ‘mosheavn_wpdb.wp_terms’ doesn’t exist
    wp_term_taxonomy: Table ‘mosheavn_wpdb.wp_term_taxonomy’ doesn’t exist
    wp_term_relationships: Table ‘mosheavn_wpdb.wp_term_relationships’ doesn’t exist
    wp_commentmeta: Table ‘mosheavn_wpdb.wp_commentmeta’ doesn’t exist

    I do not have a backup, what do I need to do to get my site back?
    Thanks for any help


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  • check your mysql database. if it exist take a backup, see what is the name of your tables.
    if they are something like wp_posts,wp_users, … then your table prefix is wp. open your wp-config.php file and chang $table_prefix value to “wp_”. like:

    $table_prefix = ‘wp_’;

    if your table prefix is something else change $table_prefix value to that text.

    but if it exist but without tables you lost all your data(posts, pages…). it might be a mistake/error caused by your host. ask them and see if they take backups from hosted sites. it might also be caused by hackers.

    Thread Starter blogdropper


    Hi I have 3 databases on the server they appear as follows:
    information_schema (17)
    _wpdb (15)
    _wrdp1 (11)

    When I click _wpdb I get a screen which says no tables in database (even though it says there’s 15 tables in the database list above).
    When I click _wrdp1 I see the 11 tables that it says are missing from _wpdb.
    Is there any way to rebuild the tables from the site or salvage the pages I created – the site consisted of about 16 pages no posts.
    Any help appreciated.


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