MODERATORS – I’m sure you’ll delete this, but seriously, step back and put yourself in my shoes for a minute. This is the first time of using the support forum and I just can’t believe how difficult it is to perform such a simple task!
Let’s start from the beginning.
Hi! Welcome to the Volunteer WordPress Support forums. Perhaps you’d like to start by giving the Forum Welcome a read?
These forums are supported 100% by unpaid volunteers who are genuinely interested in helping you on their own free time out of the goodness of their hearts. Honest.
Now, when you make a comment like “MODERATORS – I’m sure you’ll delete this” I’m inclined to ask you to step into the shoes of all of the other volunteers and ask yourself this:
Who’s going to step up, take time out of their day and help you with your problem after that charming intro?
This isn’t a sort of forum that does “karma” but you’ve posted this “feedback” and then you went and asked for help. While I am sure you will get help and I am just a moderator here, perhaps you’d care to check your entitlement for the holiday season.
Or you can consider hiring someone via and if you do I suggest you try some tact.
*Drinks more coffee*
I’ll reply to your other 8 minute old topic later on today. Unless someone else helps you first that is. If that does happen then I hope you’ll consider saying “Thank You”.