• Resolved 404techsupport


    Hi there,
    I downloaded WordPress stats and uploaded it to my self-hosted server: https://www.404techsupport.com

    I then added my API key to the code from my WordPress.com profile.

    When I try to go to the WordPress stats plug-in, I get this error:

    Error from last API Key attempt: Missing API Key The WordPress.com Stats Plugin is not working because it needs to be linked to a WordPress.com account. An API Key is present in the source code but it did not work.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

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  • Thread Starter 404techsupport


    Instead of hard coding the API key into the Plugin, I left it blank. When I first went to the WordPress Stats after that (even though it yells at you to enter an API key or disable the plugin) I was prompted for the key. After I added it, I was prompted to associate the blog to my WordPress.com account. Then it started working and I found $5.

    I have a similar problem. WordPress.com Stats plugin will not accept my API key. Error messages are:-

    Error from last API Key attempt:

    Missing API Key

    The WordPress.com Stats Plugin is not working because it needs to be linked to a WordPress.com account.

    Enter your WordPress.com API key to link this blog to your WordPress.com account. Be sure to use your own API key! Using any other key will lock you out of your stats. (Get your key here.)

    So I enter the API key and click on SAVE

    The API key “xxxxxxxxxxx” belongs to the WordPress.com account of “wuyihealthtea”. If this is not your account, please re-enter your API key.
    Re-enter API key

    According to the WordPress.com database, this API key is already associated with at least one self-hosted blog. You can add this as a new blog on your WordPress.com account or replace an existing blog and inherit its stats history.
    Add new blog to my account

    Do this if this blog is new or has never been associated with your API key. This blog will be added to your WordPress.com account.
    Add to WordPress.co account

    So I click on Add to WordPress.com account.

    Then it’s back to the missing API Key error message -it just loops.

    Error from last API Key attempt:

    Missing API Key

    The WordPress.com Stats Plugin is not working because it needs to be linked to a WordPress.com account.

    Enter your WordPress.com API key to link this blog to your WordPress.com account. Be sure to use your own API key! Using any other key will lock you out of your stats. (Get your key here.)

    No matter how many times I enter the API key it does recognize I’ve entered it.

    Can someone tell me what I need to do to get Stats up and running. I’ve searched support forums and find others with similar problems whose questions appear to go unanswered.

    I did find a post which gave me hope, it referred to changing the API key. I tried the suggestion, however, when I follow the instructions I do not see the “Stats Access” area at all.

    If I am unable to get WordPress Stats working is there any other alternative?

    I’d be grateful for any assistance. Thank you. Judi

    i am having exactly the same problem – it’s very frustrating…


    Just to let everyone know. I found a solution (or at least a work-around) to my WordPress Stats plugin issue.

    I found a free alternative which works. You can find details HERE

    Good luck to everyone.


    Using a different stats tool is a workaround, not a resolution. This post should not be marked as “resolved”

    The problem with the link above that tells how to change your API key is that it is for sites hosted at wordpress.com, not for individually hosted blogs.

    I had a similar problem with the API key – I needed to change it from mine to my clients’. It had been changed previously but it got messed up when my client did an automatic upgrade. When I went into Stats I got an error that webmystery (wrong account) was not allowed access to Stats, but the interface gave me no way to enter the correct API. I ended up going directly into the database using phpMyAdmin. I found the old incorrect API in the wp_options table under stats_options and changed it to my clients API. That fixed it. Back up your database before you try this at home!

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