Rami, there is something very wrong with the stats, almost to a point I think they are faked. In April WP 3.0 was at over 50%, WP 3.3 at only 15%. And now, WP 3.0 has only 22% and WP 3.3 has 54%. And in the past 2 months number of WP 3.3 downloads is bellow average from what I can see, so it is impossible that over 40% of all WP websites converted to 3.3 in this short period and not to see considerable download increase (it has to be at least 20 million a month to see such change).
The only explanation is that WordPress.com is now counted in official statistics with its 30 mil or more websites. Also, adoption rate compared to previous versions is about the same, and yet count is not reflecting that at all. I would really like to see explanation on how this statistics is made in the first place and what it includes.