• WordPress Social Login Endpoint.
    412. You cannot access this page directly.
    For more information refer to WSL Troubleshooting

    I just installed WordPress Social Login. Enter the correct FB App ID and Secret Token. However, after I click to login with Facebook, it returns with this error message on top. Please help.

    Currently I am using the same App ID and Secret Token for another Widget that I am using with Facebook Like box.

    Thank you.


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  • Hi jeffryc,

    This plugin uses a library called HybridAuth and needs PHP sessions to work. According to the troubleshooting documentation of this plugin, 406, 412, or 410 HTTP Errors are related to PHP sessions. I had similar problems with PHP sessions when using this plugin on WordPress 4.5.2. The login worked on Safari, IE but not on Firebox or Chrome. The root cause turned out to be aggressive browser caching by Firebox and Chrome.

    My problem was solved by changing the authentication URL from wp-login.php to WooCommerce’s login page (my-account). The filter, function and some possible approaches are available here browser cache and WordPress Social Login . If you do not use WooCommerce, its helper class on no-cache header may help you or your developer to implement something similar on your site.

    If the PHP session problems were caused by the host, you will need to ask for help from your hosting provider.

    I hope this helps.


    Thread Starter jeffryc


    Hi Visual Data,

    Thank you very much for your reply. I understand what is the error causing from, but can you please explain further on :

    “My problem was solved by changing the authentication URL from wp-login.php to WooCommerce’s login page (my-account).”

    How do I do this? Where do I do this? I would like to change my authentication URL too but where and how? I only enable Facebook, Twitter and Google+ login for now.

    I am also able to login from IE and Safari. Problem with Chrome and Firefox only.

    Please assist and thank you very much.

    Hi Jeffry,

    Then the problem is exactly the same as the ones I had.

    The code is shared in my blog with link provided in my previous comment. Here it is. This will change WordPress Social Login’s initial request URL and redirect URL, so WooCommerce will do the magic.

    On my website, before using the following filter, the link looks like this:

    After using the filter, the link looks like this:


    “my-account” is the default page slug when you installed WooCommerce and created pages for WooCommerce. Apparently if you have changed the page slug to something else, you need to edit the function below, and use your page slug.

    You may copy the following code and paste it in your theme function. It needs WooCommerce installed and activated.

    add_filter('wsl_render_auth_widget_alter_authenticate_url', 'tag_and_map_wsl_render_auth_widget_alter_authenticate_url');
    function tag_and_map_wsl_render_auth_widget_alter_authenticate_url($authenticate_url) {
    	$authenticate_url = str_replace('wp-login.php', 'my-account/',$authenticate_url);
    	return $authenticate_url;

    Hi Jeffry,

    Does the trick work on your server? I am creating a pull request on github. If you find another trick that works, could you share, or create a separate pull request there too? This will help others experiencing similar errors.



    Thread Starter jeffryc


    Hi VisualData,

    Sorry for not replying and thank you very much. I have followed your exact steps from https://tagnmap.com/wp/enabling-browser-cache-wordpress-social-login-firefox-chrome/ and is working perfectly fine now.

    Thank you.

    No worries. Glad to hear it works on your server too. WooCommerce team has done a good job here.

    I will create a patch on Github, and hopefully it will be merged into future releases when the plugin author comes back online someday.


    Thread Starter jeffryc


    Hey Visual Data, I just realized that the above worked for the Facebook Login. However, when I tried Twitter login, I am still getting the :

    “WordPress Social Login Endpoint.
    500. An error occurred while attempting to initialize Hybridauth”

    Any idea?

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