• houseofearnest


    I am getting this error message when trying to view site stats

    Your WordPress.com account, xxxxxxx is not authorized to view the stats of this blog. Currently access to stats is broken for some users and we are working on fixing this. Your stats are still being counted and will be visible once we restore access for your account.

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  • pyeoh


    So am I ?? Hope it’ll be fixed soon!



    While I’m not getting the error message, there’s definitely something wrong with my stats on cnyradio.com (haven’t checked my other two sites yet).

    It’s considering today to be yesterday — I know it’s already 3/18/11 UTC, but it’s still 3/17 here in the Eastern US. Never had a problem with Stats not “knowing” the correct timezone before.

    Also noticing that the stats numbers are WAY below where they normally are for my site, and a post that’s several months old is currently my top post for the “today” that hasn’t even started yet. This is very unusual because my top posts are usually the newest posts.

    I’m glad that I have Google Analytics as a redundant backup, but I prefer WordPress Stats since it’s right there whenever I login to the admin area.

    Thread Starter houseofearnest


    apparently a lot of people are having trouble, but there seems to be support on the wordpress.com site, but it isn’t targeted toward .org self hosted users.

    I hope this gets cleared up – If anyone knows anything about the troubleshooting efforts or anything that I can personally do to comply with or support these efforts please let me know!



    I’m in need of help with this same problem.

    When I tried to install a new version of the wordpress.com stats plugin, I got the following error message:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function register_uninstall_hook() in /home/khandor/www/khandorssportsblog.com/wordpress-2.5.1/wp-content/plugins/stats.php on line 1291

    Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks.



    Our stats totally screwed up… It flips from thinking it is the 17th to thinking it is the 18th, and then back again… and nothing adds up from the list. Must have been too much green beer!



    there’s a thread on wordpress.com about this, check it out https://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/stats-plugin-stopped-working-api-problem/page/3?replies=66
    My site has the same problem: https://www.viverecapetown.com and I haven’t been seeing stats for more than 24 hours now.



    I found that installing the Jetpack plug-in solved my stats problem on my self-hosted site. Thanks, Vivere!



    Same problem here. Suddenly getting a message on my self-hosted site saying that my .com site doesn’t have permission to view the stats for this site. What gives?



    I dunno what’s going on, Virginia. Try installing the Jetpack plug-in and see whether that solves your problem. Before you do that, upgrade your WP first, if you haven’t done so. The current WP version is 3.1 and the plug-in won’t work with versions below 3.0.5



    My graph displays, but it has problems. The numbers in the site stats graph are different than the other views reflected in other fields.
    For example in the bottom left corner the “Blog Stats-Views Today” shows a greater number than the one on the graph. As more people come to view my page the Views Today grow and the graph lags behind. Also the Top Posts & Pages show a greater number of page views, than the graph.

    I have wordpress 3.1, ugraded to the latest version.



    ive the same problems the graphics and numbers are differents



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