• I what to make a site from this : https://www.sare.haos.ro
    I already took the first step and instaled Static Front Page Plugin for WordPress! It works just fine! Now I have a few questions:
    1) can I make the page to fill the screen with that theme?(or just a little wider)
    2) can I use dreamweaver or front page scripting(creating the content in a post/page) for o more complex look of the site

    I’ve just started my WordPress “adventure”, already have a blog and now I whant to make a site. if you have any sugestions please let me know!

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  • I am not sure I understand your question.
    1. page or Page? Which theme?
    2. I would strongly recommend NOT to use any of those.

    Generally you can make all kind of sites with WP; I did that many times (never used any frontpage plugins, just the home.php template file).
    Editing WP files with FP or DW – not a good idea. All you need is a plain text editor.
    [If you need, you can make a “mockup” or a draft for your design in those editors, but after that you have to create a WP theme that would reproduce that layout.]

    Thread Starter Cristian Antohe


    By page I ment the “usefull” part of the blog were you can post, have links, etc.(on every side there are empty spaces)

    As for FP or DW all I what is to create tabels easyer. I’ll create the content in html and just copy paste it. It is possible to create tables right? ??

    I guess I’ll have to learn a lot more then I was expecting! There is so much info on wordpress I just don’t know where to start! ??

    This is always a good place to start with: Getting_Started_with_WordPress.

    As for your questions: how wide is your “blog” it depends on the theme you are using.
    You can create tables, of course, but why would you need tables in every post?
    Warning: if you plan to use your own html code in posts, first thing to do: disable the wysiwyg editor!!!

    Thread Starter Cristian Antohe


    10x for the help…as for the tables…I whant a site not a blog… so I’ll have a few pages with a lot of info and I need that info properly organised! I know what I want but not how to do it yet! ?? On to the Getting_Started_with_WordPress.

    BTW is there a printer friendly version ??

    EDIT: forget about the printer friendly version… there’s an entire enciclopedia there ??

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