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  • Great that wordpress got some press!


    Movable Type, run for your lives!

    Thanks for the link and post, deb and duck! ??

    Well done WP team! The Guardian is rather classy in the UK, thank god The Sun didnt review it! lol… Im sure they would put some kind of scandal in there! haha.

    I can see it now…”WP Developer Discovered Using MT!” “I couldn’t help myself,” claimed Matthew Mullenweg after he was found using Movable Type for his personal blog. “I take perverse pleasure in rebuilding pages and mucking around with obscure Perl code. I know I need help.” Mullenweg refused to answer charges that he was also secretly a developer of PHP-Nuke, 3-time winner of the Most Obfuscated and NonCompliant PHP Code in a CMS Award.

    Was just hanging out on Dunstan’s blog reading the much commented-upon post about blog calendars, when I came across his endorsement of WordPress as a preferred tool for blogging.
    The word is spreading, folks! ??

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