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  • Blogging tools and content management systems are not two different things. CMS is a generic term for software that manages documents, and in particular, for web sites. Blogging tools are a subset of the CMS category. (Didn’t anybody here take set theory?)

    “Didn’t anybody here take set theory?”

    I flunked it. Does that count?

    The problem with a catchall term like “content management system” is that a file manager could fall under it, depending on the definition in use. But CMS in IT parlance is both a general term for a collection of products WordPress fits into, and a label for larger, enterprise-portal and groupware packages. Calling WordPress a CMS (or CMS subset) is fine, as long as the usual caveats are given so one doesn’t think they’re dowloading a Mambo clone.

    This thread has been inactive for a while but obviously is findable via Google because that’s how I ended up here. How about a new designation?

    CMSF – Content Management System Foundation
    CMSBB – CMS Building Block

    Any other suggestions?

    Heh. Actually, there’s already terms. ‘Portal’, ‘Groupware’… ?? Those describe certain vertical markets.

    CMS is a WAAAY generalized term, and WP certainly fits it. However, an ‘enterprise CMS’ might actually be a groupware app, or might be a ‘document repository’ app, or a ‘project management’ app (i.e., basecamp), etc.

    ‘content management’ is just that. To what extent, to what particular application, is in the eye of the beholder. ??


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