I like Akismet, Jetpack, and W3 Total Cache so definitely keep those.
The others sound like great ideas also so I’d keep them unless you have a preference for something else to replace them. Of course, if you know you don’t need them then get rid of them but they all bring benefits.
I’d also suggest UpdraftPlus or a similar backup plugin and your LMS might recommend a certain editor.
My choice for editors are the Classic editor with the TinyMCE advanced plugin added. Set the editors to allow the Block Editor and the Classic by user choice. The best of both worlds and the TinyMCE advanced feature will help the Block Editor in some of its modes.
You might like Yoast SEO, Health Check, and the Broken Link Checker to help you with housekeeping and troubleshooting. Set Broken Link Checker to 480 hrs instead of the default 72 hour settings. That thing can be handy but is a resource hog at 72hrs.
I personally like the Wapuu dashboard pet!
I usually also install WordFence and IthemesSecurity together. They compliment each other and help cover all the bases on the security side.
You might like CloudFlare out front and a CDN such as KeyCDN will help too and works well with Total Cache.