• I am trying to get the hashed password from my database to a variable and verify it to make sure that the password the user entered is correct. When I get the password from the database all the ‘$’ signs are removed. This is what I use to get the password from the database:

    $output = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM profile WHERE Name ='$name';" ) );
    $hashedPass = $output->Password;
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  • I suppose it is a separate database table called “profile” that you want to access there? This does not belong to WordPress, so I’m just wondering.

    But I tried to recreate this with the WordPress tables. There it works without problems. Example:

    $output = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM wp_users WHERE user_login ='%s';", 'username' ) );
    $hashedPass = $output->user_pass;

    You used the $wpdb->prepare() function incorrectly. You need to use a placeholder here and add its value as a parameter. Have a look at my example.

    In my example the encrypted password comes out from the database including “$”. If it doesn’t happen with you, it probably has nothing to do with this code you showed but rather with the way you use $hashedPass then.

    Thread Starter nathanhkn


    Thanks, the var dump showed the variable with the dollar signs! Though sadly nothing seemed to change with the functionality. What I’m trying to do, is I have the hashed password in the database and I have the user enter the password into a form. Im trying to check if they entered the correct password. To do this I am using the password_verify() function, which is built into PHP.

    $output = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM profile WHERE Name = '%s';",$name ) );
    $hashedPass = $output->Password;
    $result = password_verify($password, $hashedPass);

    For some reason $result never is 1. Unless I am checking for it to be 1 wrongly.
    Heres the if statement:
    if($result == 1){

    password_verify will not work for salted hashes. Are these salted hashed passwords? I can’t tell since you are using a non-Wordpress database table.

    Maybe a PHP forum would be better suited for your question as I don’t see any connection to Wordress at the moment.

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