• I am having issues with the WordPress Plugin Updater unzipping packages (at least what it appears to be having issues with). I have done so much as give the upgrade directory within /wp-content/ a 777 permission to test. The ownership of all files is by the apache group as well.

    I’ve noticed the error given when updating the Google Analytics Dashboard is the following or similar (the filename is different on occasion): An error occurred while updating Google Analytics Dashboard for WP: Could not copy file. google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp/readme.txt

    The files within this directory have different permissions, but the issue has occurred after updating from Apache 2.2 to Apache 2.4. I’ve noticed that all of the files within the unzipped temporary directory has a file-size of 0 bytes. Any ideas?

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  • Thread Starter Brandon White


    I found a fix to this by adding the following lines of code at the end of my wp-config.php file in the root WP directory:

    if(is_admin()) {
    	add_filter('filesystem_method', create_function('$a', 'return "direct";' ));
    	define( 'FS_CHMOD_DIR', 0751 );

    Can anyone explain what the issue would be that would require this fix?

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