• Everyone does know that the plugin competition is underway …. right?
    Shame on me for not officially mentioning it here, but the WordPress Plugin and Mod Competition officially started on April 15th and has been gathering steam.
    Some good plugins have been submitted and plugin authors have been very responsive! There are a couple of requests for plugins on that blog and people have been visiting the wiki to get more information and to add their names to the list.
    If you are a plugin developer, sign up and sign in on PluginBlog to ask for plugin idea requests, beta testing requests or to just announce a plugin. Thank you to everyone that is participating and everyone that is helping.
    In spite of a good response from developers, we still need more participants and more plugins. There is a lot of money, praise and appreciation to be won! If you know of someone that would be a good participant, feel free to prod them. We would also really appreciate links back to the blog and the wiki from your blog.

    In addition to the participation hoopla, we are actively seeking prize donations from the community and sponsorship ads for the blog and the wiki. Prizes can be anything. If you would like to help the WordPress community and have a couple of books or gift certs lying around, please email us (at mark at wltc dot net) and let us know.

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  • Thread Starter Laughinglizard


    Deadline is June 15th. Thanks for bringing this up Lorelle. More info at that link.



    I see the number of plugin entries is growing. Keep up the great work. There’s some wonderful new additions.

    Wow, here are some interesting numbers. About 25 days before the contest deadline and 24 plugins vying for over $1000 in cash and prizes. It’s getting closer….tick tock hint hint. Get your plugin entries in!

    **Yikes, that sounded bad but true.**

    Anonymous User 6434


    Oh, Lorelle, do I have a shocker for you ?? I’ll be working on it before I start my internship in Seattle–we’ll see how fast it progresses… but it might just tip the scales in favour of the “completely weird” category…

    Are WP-specific Greasemonkey scripts eligible? I’m guessing not, but thought I’d check.

    I’m not familiar with “greasemonkey scripts” but follow the link, it outlines the rules. I do believe it has to meet the definition of a plugin, as something that can be activated from the dashboard for installation. Other steps can be invovled, but the codex has specific language regarding a plugin.

    This is so cool. There are some really creative people here.


    With all that creativity, can someone fix this page? It’s really hard to read and find information. One plugin link has no informtaion. It’s hard to know what is what and I think there are some neat things there. It’s just hard to use.

    Okay, as of tomorrow folks, it’s about 15 days before D-Day on the Plugin Contest.

    There are some awesome entries.

    And I agree with Fred, the front page is sad, but still, get your entries in there and help add more great tools to the WordPress Community. I’ve certainly benefited from a few of these gems.

    Lorelle, were you ever a cheerleader? ??

    Nope, but since I use and abuse plugins, I’m a big fan.

    Yep, a plugin cheerleader!!

    That sounds terrible! ??

    Cheerleader plugin…much better.

    here’s an idea/request for a mod or plugin for WP ..if someone came up with the correct mod ..you surely would win ?? the plug in contest here at WP


    I want to add a mod/option so members can record and post audio – this would be the same as a text post or comment but they could include a voice message with it such as a mp3 or wav.

    i know there is audioblogger and audioblog but they have their limitations .. for 1) they have to make a LD phone call ..2) AudioBlog requires a subcriptions and ..3) you need to use their limited space..


    i would like them to be able to record their message right there on the blog (most people wont take the time to record on their computer not to mention that they dont even know they can) ..so i need a hack to simplify the process for them…

    thank you!


    ps ..if you are not sure what i am talking about please ask me ..i really want this hack ..also i am posting it under 2 topics (forgive me) – (would be a great option to be included the next WP too)

    i’m posting my request in here, hoping that people able to code-a-wp-plugin are frequently visiting this thread. (mod please delete if its wrong place – or theres a better one)

    as i posted in the german wordpress.de forum right here (in german) i’d really love to see a plugin for the folderblog gallery script. if i had any php-coding skill or some more experience i’d love to write it on my own, but…. ^

    as folderblog generates main and archive-view from template files, and folderblog-specific parameters are needed to handle (open) a certain image(-page) i had difficulties to integrate it into a static wordpress-page.
    furthermore folderblog doesnt need a database to work, what i’d like to keep that way…
    maybe there are already enough plugins out there to get a workaround for me? i have no idea now…

    another idea is to make the folderblog-files be able reading the corresponding wp-database-tables in order to get all necessary things to show the sidebar in a folderblog-template… is that possible (idea came up because my try integrating fb into wp failed – so i thought “why not integrate wp-sidebar into fb…?”)

    btw: thing i did was writing a CategoryIndex for folderblog, that gets all data from folderblog-config-files and displays a thumb for all categories and tells how many images are in each category

    i hope my posts’ intention came across ??
    hope someone can help!
    thanks in advance ??

    Yikes, the WordPress Plugin Contest is over!!!!

    Hope everyone got their plugins in and can’t wait for the decision.

    So when are the winners going to be announced? CAN’T WAIT!!!

    We have entered our plugin, Kramer, into the competition. Kramer uses Technorati to show links to your blog posts as either pingbacks or comments. What this means is that you no longer need to use pingback for your post to show on a linked posts page, as Kramer automatically discovers inbound links to a post and displays them. More details about the plugin, as well as examples of it working are here:


    Okay, so the last post I saw about this said the annoucement of the winners was due about June 29. I’m too excited.

    So anyone know if its been announced yet???

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