• I would like to know why www.remarpro.com collects information about my wordpress installations and also identifiable information.

    That wordpress does this aint written anywhere on the www.remarpro.com site. There is no reason for www.remarpro.com to collect this information at all. The only information required for updates are versionnbrs.
    And yes I know about the privacy policy but people that dont know what api means etc have no idea about this. Even I know about API and I didn’t get that wp.org collects identifiable information.

    So why are www.remarpro.com so sneaky and secretive about this?
    And why the refusal to remove it?

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  • As the owner of a “Software Company” and the user of various social media constructs, I would think certain concepts would not be foreign to you. The aggregation of data necessary to provide a consistent and professional quality of service is nothing new. Ever used a computer? Ever get an update? Those would be based on an inventory of your machine hardware and software. Ever have any thoughts about the information being collected by every piece of software you have ever installed that offers an automatic update service? Ever used PhotoShop? Flash? Windows? OS X? Linux? Sure you have. Hell, I’d be willing to bet that even Svenska Antipiratbyr?n knows more about you than WordPress does.

    Just kidding… (but not really).

    Not that you should care, nor that it should matter, nor that I really give a rats ass what you think either way, but the flip-flop way through which you “argue” your contentions in this thread present evidence that you really don’t possess the organizational skills required to present a compelling argument. Nor do your statements present the appearance that you have yet committed to which ever side of the fence you’re actually standing on. I find that somewhat disappointing from a “just the facts please” point of view.

    I admire your ability to use your self-acquired programming language education to do something you really love to do. Not everyone is fortunate enough to be able to fully benefit from osmotic learning methods.

    Not even Ottos ridiculous attempt of justification of the data collection.

    Not cool. Not even mildly humorous anymore. You’re just waving your own insecurities in the air like a big flag, for everyone else to see.

    I think NetworkGeek hit the nail right on the head. You just seem to be laying bait and trolling for twitter fodder.

    Best wishes!

    Still laughing my ass off. If I could, I would e-mail Matt a virtual beer right now.

    Suggest Agenda Items for Dec 17th Dev Chat


    Good thread, “Ain’t” it “Dude”? Read it all if you care to.

    I know I said I wouldn’t feed the troll again, but…


    The argument was first, “you’re collecting private data that you can’t get via a public URL, so you’re hiding something and must be evil!”
    Then, Otto showed, in fact, you could get most of it.
    The argument changed to “Well, the *rest* of the data you collect isn’t public, so you’re hiding something and must be evil!”
    In fact, the veritable definition of the straw man argument as found on Wikipedia. The argument goes through subtle changes and refinements as it is disproved. See the examples.


    Thread Starter Andreas


    ClaytonJames Almost all software lets you know when it collects data on you and send it to the developer. Those that don’t get scolded. I for one wouldn’t make software that collects data and send its without informing my user, neither public or private data. Its just bad business practice.

    NetworkGeekThere was no such argument.
    So whos attacking a straw man? My standpoint has been the same from the start, disclosure and make the data non-identifiable. The only thing added was that there should be a way to optout.

    I’m not alone in my questions and suggestions.
    Why is it so hard to disclose what data is stored and make it possible to opt out?

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