www.remarpro.com unsuccessful transfer?
Thank you for reading this, I feel like I am going crazy here. I have a wordpress.com site with my own domain. Obviously, this was a mistake, because I cannot customize anything without the business plan. I have a basic paid plan now.
I bought hosting on bluehost and was able to setup my domain to have their nameservers. On bluehost wordpress is installed and I managed to get to the “Log in” stage but it keeps redirecting me to WordPress.com. When I login, I still cannot install pluggins without the Business plan. I followed many tutorials and they all show the view as if already in www.remarpro.com (with wp-admin in the url). How to avoid this nightmare? I want to add pluggins and the theme, but I keep being redirected to .com.
What did I do wrong here? The dashboard I see is the standard wordpress.com all the time, without possibilities to find “Manage your connection” in Jetpack settings or pluggins to browse and install easily.
Thank you very much for your time.
You are saving my sanity.
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