WordPress on Addon -> plugins upload in main site instalation not in addon
Hi i have rather unusual problem i run wp on site.com and then i install one on addon site2.com .
the actual structure of the host folder looks like that
+wordpress files for site2.comInstallation went ok. but then i tried to install some plug-ins on site2.com and what happened is ->
-Files got uploaded
-And error with wrong header appearedthen i tried again and it says the dir already exist . I checked via ftp there wasn’t a Dir like that in plug-ins directory. then checked on site1.com and the plug-ins appeared there but unactivated. Someone has a clue what can i do to fix it . I have a feeling that i have to edit the path for the plug-ins to point to /addondomain/site2.com/www/root/wp-content/plugins wich most kely at the moment looks like wp-content/plugins
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