WordPress Noob Here
Hey whats up everybody. I recently switched from joomla and boy im glad i did. I have a music production site. I bought a nice looking theme from themeforest. You can take a look at my site here: Buy Rap Beats | Industry Quality | Affordable Prices
I wanted to know are there anymore plugins that all wordpress users need to have. I already have the Seo Pressor. I want to make my site high quality.
Hey whats up I’m a noob in the real since of the word. This is the
first time that I ever blogged. Learning as I go. Need Help!!!I would stop it from playing music as soon as it loads.
Maybe make it an option or something. It was very startling.
my blog is at [signature moderated – you already posted your site under ‘Your WordPress’]
Ragtopb – please don’t post your link without reason or as a signature. ??
Patrick – You mean me? The music is too loud?
juse33,i liked your website. Your site has a beautiful theme and its very important in my idea for having a successful website. But i think the font of your website is a little big and its better to change the font or size of it to looks better.
hi juse33,
excellent theme and a great slideshow on the top. It is covering your entire first screen, but i still liked it. Your blog’s load time is quick as well.Also, a very good logo you got there, something that will help spread your brand over time.
There are many plugins that can help make your blog popular. Get some social media buttons on your blog, that way you can spread your blog on facebook, twitter etc.
Thanks alot. I got it at ThemeForest. Its the Music Pro theme. As far as the font size. I cant really control it. It seems i can only control if its a heading 1,2 ect.
Also does having alot of plugins help your Seo?
If you are trying to improve your SEO, there is an important checklist of things to do. You may not want to do all of them, but the more of them you do, the more you will get likely potential customers to find your Website.
1. Popup like you have when you first go to the site causes abandoning by some users.
2. Music starting immediately causes everyone in a workplace setting or internet cafe or any place with other people around to abandon site immediatly.
3. Banner on front page is a great idea, but each should be about a product or service which will have descriptive information.4. Rest of front page has too much material to scroll through. The material can be used on product / service pages.
5. Blog about beats with new 500 word posts a few times a week. Make sure to use original writing because the search engines check.
6. Using Ping FM and your RSS or other social automation tool, raise the number of social networks automatically posting your content to over 30, compared to five publicize services from WordPress. OnlyWire has a WordPress Plugin, supposedly offers 50 social networks. WordPress.com users don’t need plugins: they can use RSS to feed OnlyWire just like you can to feed your posts to PingFM
7. Use press releases to get quality backlinks. Pay for well-written press releases related to your field.
8. Get Pingler Professional. It will ping your site to most of the world’s search engines (submit your RSS feed).
9. Use some independent SEO and website checking tools. They all have different biases but many can give you feedback that can point out problems you may overlook.
@ martin Are you saying that my music is still playing when you open the page? I shut that off last week. They have the option to close the popup. And if they are artist why wouldn’t they want a free beat lol? And helps me build my email list. I personally hate going to squeeze pages. So i just give them the option to close the popup.
The other material is for Google as well as the people can know more about the site. All the important stuff is at the top. As far as how much seo pressor told me i needed that much to get over 90 lol. How do i get higher serp without any words on the main page? Where do i buy press releases?
I looked at your site some time ago but had no account to reply to people until today (I wanted to lurk). I looked now and it is good that the music does not automatically start. Several hundreds of words of text will be enough content on your front page. If your blog page gets a higher SERP, then that is fine too, as long as you have calls to action and easy paths to your products on each page they could land on. Press releases, once they are written, can be posted at [ moderated – this is a support forum not for services advertisement ] for [ moderated – see note to the left ] More reach is available for more money, but the [ redacted ] one is quite effective. The key is to write about things that a news agency might pick up, like relate business stories of rappers and maybe quote CEO’s who like rap. Write about creating beats. Reuters has lots of suggestions on how to write the best press releases if you like to do it yourself. The best kind never mentions your name and business until the end, as an author attribute, with your name, the company name, and one backlink. The backlink is the important part. I have had press releases picked up by major internet news sites and run as stories. It helped my clients. I am buying some for myself but saving up for a package of multiple press releases.
What about having the email list form popup when they leave? I did notice that 64.6 percent of my traffic so far has only stayed for 5 secs or less. Think having the popup later will change all that?
All popups whether they are at the beginning or end of browsing label your Website as one that is aggressively selling. These days the most successful model for business on the Web is being informative, easy to use, and helpful. The soft-sell works best, and selling beats is like any other business. The best way to make your online business succeed is to make your site like other successful businesses and to conform to what consumers have grown to accept. Consumers think of diet pills, viagra, and porn when they see popups. As you have a legitimate business, your beats deserve a presentation that reminds them of the website of microsoft.com or other fine business website. The legitimacy you give your website will make your beats more valuable to consumers and the helpfulness will keep users on your site longer. I wish you the best of luck!
So just put the email form in hopes that someone will sign? I really want and need people to sign up to my email list.
If people really want to join your email list they’ll do so even if there isn’t a pop-up. I’ve been following along in this thread and I agree that the popup leaves behind a bad marketing flavor.
Make the “join our email list” button easy to find and perhaps contrast the colors to the primary theme colors. The big clients are those that will go the extra 2 seconds to find the button rather than the random visitor who just types in their info. That’s my opinion. ?? Of course, there are other & better ways to get people to your site – like social media for example.
Hey any advice is taken into consideration so thank you all. I will disable the popup for a while and put the form back on the page again.
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