• Hello i have wp multisite


    This multisite have 3 blogs

    new.barmaraia.com -first new.barmaraia.com/beach/ -second new.barmaraia.com/fussion/ – third

    I need first blog open on this adress new.barmaraia.com/classic , i will use new.barmaraia.com for other needs(entry page with banner links to all 3 blogs). How make

    first blog lands on


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  • Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    It’s not easy.

    Make a new site and call it newmain.

    Then go to Network Dashboard > Sites and edit the site you want to be the main site.

    Change this to look like it’s your main site so the home/site URLs are new.barmaraia.com

    Make certain you leave ‘Update siteurl and home as well’ checked!

    Then go to your wp-config.php, look for this line:
    define('BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE', 1);

    Change it to the site ID you want to use as your main site. In this example, I want site #3, aka, sample, to become my main site. Change it and save it.

    Then you have to go back to your Sites and edit the old main site. Give its path a new name and press save, making sure you keep that checkbox checked.

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