Hi there. Paid Memberships Pro is a membership plugin that I develop for. I’m not sure if that is a membership plugin you tried.
I was inspired by your post to test signing up with various email formats and I was able to signup with a username or email address entered with a dot (e.g. [email protected]). FYI, I could also enter an email address with a “+” in it, but I couldn’t enter a “+” in the username. It seems like WP is removing that + from the username before registering… actually because PMPro doesn’t catch it first, the user is signed up with the username minus the +, but it looks like the account isn’t created because PMPro tries to login using a username with a +. Anyway, I am going to research this more and fix our plugin to handle usernames the same way WP does.
So, despite the error with +’s in usernames, you should be good to go with PMPro unless you mean something else besides simply register. What do you want to happen after registering? Do you mean to restrict access to users with a university email address?