• When I open up my wordpress blog in Internet Explorer, the sidebar always falls below whatever is on the left side(post side) of the screen. In Firefox, it is fine, the sidebar stays right at the top next to the newest post.

    I’ve read on these forums that the problem most likely lies within the CSS and that I should use * html so that IE specifically calls that and not what firefox is calling.

    However, I’m not sure where the problem lies in my CSS, so I don’t know where to throw in the * hmtl. If someone could look at my sourecode/CSS (www.wearethepostmen.com) and decipher what the problem is, I would really appreciate it.


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  • I’m having the same problem with validation. I have _most_ of the CSS working in IE6, using the underscore hack. If I want to eliminate hacks using IE conditionals, do I need to copy all of the hacks into a new style sheet and link that in the conditional comment? And if I do need to copy them into the comment, I’m assuming I write it as a regular style sheet, without the underscores? Or will simply undoing all the margins, padding, and borders in the conditional comment eliminate the need for all those margin, width, and padding hacks?

    From the link in my post, using:
    <!–[if lt IE 7]>
    <link rel="stylesheet" title="Barthelme" xhref="https://www.NOOBblog.com/wordpress/wp-content/themes/Barthelme/iestyles.css" type="text/css" media="all" />
    (for example)

    will redirect all IE versions prior to 6 to the iestyles.css sheet where ALL setting are only seen by IE.

    But in the IE-specific style sheet, how should I write the code? For example, if I had to use _width: 740px in my primary style sheet to make it work in IE, would I format it the same way (with the underscore) in the new iestyle.css file? Or do I just format it as I would normally?

    Format it normally, no hacks (no _,* or \).

    doodlebee- with that header code you suggested, am I supposed to un-comment it? (right now it’s commented out, and with other code, that means it’s skipped over.

    Also, with IE 7, my colors are not showing up, no matter what theme I use. The layout is fine, just no background colors or background anything.



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