• tHANKS for your themes and free themes::
    My google display ads are not showing.. i get a page expire on my actual site… please HELP

    elements duplicate themselves in my side bar without my doing

    as well as — some of the text jump off the designated area

    i cant seem to add some google ads

    Do all free themes come encrypted?

    Do i have these major problems because its free?

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  • Anthea,

    First what is the website so we can see it?

    Second – not all free themes are bad, however some themes are not written as well as they could be and some do cause different problems. Have you tried another theme or one of the default themes that come with the original WordPress package to see if results are the same?

    Also what all plugins have you installed. Your issue may not be with the theme – it could be a conflict with another plugin. Have you tried deactivating your plugins one at a time to see if things clear up? It is also wise to ensure any plugins you install are compatible with the version of WordPress you are running.

    Hope any of this helps.



    Thread Starter anthea-mcgibbon


    Thank you replying.

    2. Thanks for the encouragement. I did try other themes and recent enough someone gave me others in another thread. However.. I need themes that allow for artilces, blogs, graphics, adsense, widgets.. well if you do have the time to look at my site, you’ll see my thoughts!

    3. Actually, no plugins were installed as yet. so thats not in issue.
    It seems to be something encrypted not being followed by the actual site.
    For instance the widgets repeat my profile instead of installing the profile of the other main persons.. contributors.. and I have nO control over this
    SECONDLY, the text in the widget jumps from the page and away from the image.. not in accordance with the command I gave it

    4. Thirdly, they seem to have encypted a nother pub code for ads google sense which conflicts mine.. and i have no control..

    The tmplate tells me to put mine in.. but doesnt work with it..


    Thread Starter anthea-mcgibbon



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