• As I mentioned at WordCamp, I have created some help videos (using screencasts with audio) that walk through some of the features of WordPress (version 2.0.4). I also have a Tutorials post where I will add the new (more specific) videos that I create. Here’s the overview video link:

    WordPress Overview Help Video

    The video touches on:
    — adding a category,
    — adding a post,
    — pasting content (as Plain Text and from Word using (modified) Advanced WYSIWYG Editor plugin),
    — inserting (and editing) an image (using Image Manager plugin),
    — statistics (using bSuite and SlimStat).

    Someone at WordCamp suggested I get these into the help docs at www.remarpro.com. I’m happy to, but I’m not sure the best way to do that.

    I hope the videos are helpful. I’ll update this thread as I make new videos.

    – Bradley

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  • I was hoping you’d post some. I remember your comment but I couldn’t remember your name. Nice work on these; they represent a good beginning to getting video alongside the written text of all “How To”s.

    Nice! Thanks Bradley.

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    I’m going to try to add at least one help video per month, so here goes the September WordPress Help Video:

    PodPress Help Video

    A client was having some trouble with how to upload the MP3’s for his site. Depending on your host, you’ll only be able to use WP’s Upload feature for smaller files (in my experience, under 8 MB or so). If it’s not working, you’ll need to use an FTP program. More explanation in the video.

    More WordPress Help Videos.



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    I’m finding it’s easier to make the help videos than explain things on the phone. So here are a few more WordPress video tutorials.

    Random Quotes
    Simple Page Edit in WordPress
    Lost Password, Update User Info

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    For months, I’ve been wanting to use the Extended Profile data (from the userextra plugin, comments) to show a list of members on a post/page. I wanted more than just Firstname Lastname, Email, ICQ, etc. I wanted Address, City, Favorite Vegetable, whatever. After finding this code and then this bit of PHP to pull the data, I got it! This will be a huge help for member sites to show the members and some of their info (can hide this page to non-members, of course). Also, the email listed is encoded, so at least some spammers won’t get it. Now, onto formatting …

    Update: I’ve combined a few plugins (Author Profile, UserExtra) so that a user site can have a Roster page (a list of members (e.g. Editors, Subscribers, etc.). Here’s a video showing the user how they can update their information.

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    Added another “Extended User Data” video, this one showing how to also add a WP user and then also add data to that user’s custom fields. On the same page as the tutorial above, but this one is called:

    Adding a new user in WordPress and adding Extra User Data

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    Here’s the latest video tutorial:

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    Two in one day! Here’s another video tutorial:

    This tutorial is more for developers to show how to set up a member or user directory (roster, subscribers, editors, etc.). This post gives more details about which plugins and PHP I’m using to get this working.

    The biggie for me was to use the WP users and not another database of users as I find it makes upgrading WP easier the closer I stick to the core code.

    I have a question. Or two… ??
    Are you using some kind of execPHP plugin on that WP install? And the “subscribers-only” plugin is from edwards (the one which is not available for download for months)?

    Thread Starter likoma


    rudolf45: yes, exactly: Exec-PHP. Yes, the Edwards Subscribers Only. Oh, I see what you mean, it’s not available until the upgrade. I guess I just have an older version. Is it not available for download anywhere?

    I have it, I was just curios ??
    Thanks for the update.

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    Another fantastic plugin from Didzis, this one called My Post Icons. This plugin allows you to assign a certain image to a post (much category icons does) and let’s you resize it, give it some CSS formatting, etc. Perfect for Tiffany Hawk who uses it for an image of her magazine covers or photos of her profile/interview subjects. Here’s a help video to walk you through how to use it and a bit of behind the scenes to see how it can work for you if you’re a designer.

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