I’m a bit confused on what you are trying to achieve exactly. So let’s clear the topic a bit so we can help you out.
First of all there is no ‘4.9’ version the latest stable is 4.8 [ maybe that was a type mistake ].
You say you downloaded WordPress and set up an account. You mean you downloaded the zip and installed WordPress in a localhost environment server ( like xampp ) or somewhere online?
Having an account here on www.remarpro.com has nothing to do with a WordPress Installation.
To access ‘your’ installation as an admin you have to go to for example ‘yourdomain.com/wp-admin/’ ( yourdomain.com is the address of the server you actually installed your WordPress on ) and login with the information that you entered during WordPress setup.
This website here is a different story and you won’t find any ‘admin dashboard’ as we are all simple users reading a forum let’s say.
I think you got confused somewhere or I understood something wrong from your post.
Best regards,