Unless it’s spam, abuse or something broken in the forums please do not report topics again.
It is not a means to get faster support, it only gets forum moderators attention and no one else.
Please remain calm and give this a good read.
When you have successfully deloused your site then consider giving this a read too.
]]>I did follow the instruction to hardening WordPress and installed required plugins but it didn’t work, still being hacked once a week.
]]>Hope you managed to resolve this since you posted last week. If not, maybe take a fresh look at this tutorial. It’s a step-by-step approach to ‘delousing’ that scrubs the site from top to bottom and then some.
Take special note of the followup questions at the bottom of the article. If you follow this guide thoroughly and find that the hacking persists, it might be worth reexamining your theme setup, plugins or hosting environment.
Good luck!
]]>Yes, we’ve fixed the issue, I’ve changed the website server which solved the problem. The main issue is probably something to do with our old hosting provider.