• I’m interested in building a site (in Arabic RTL) that stores and provides audio lectures by various speakers for download. These will need to be viewable and searchable by Speaker, Category/Subcategory, Topic, and some keywords. I’ll also be adding articles and possibly Q&A forms where people can post questions and have them answered by the site’s contributors.

    It’s been a very long time since I’ve worked with any CMS and my initial instinct was to go with Drupal. However after a few days of tinkering with a Drupal site I’ve gotten frustrated with it and I’m wondering if WordPress could handle such a site as it’s matured into a full fledged CMS from what I’ve read. As this site will be maintained by a handful of people most of which won’t be technical users but only content contributors I wanted a CMS that’s easy to use and maintain which WordPress is well known for but I’m not sure how easy it is to structure the site and content for the above requirements. Another concern is how easy it is to translate UI elements as I will be doing that myself (for missing translations not provided by WP language files). Finally is the security permissions system of WP flexible enough to allow me to assign permissions to contributors to some modules/content types and not others?

    I’d really appreciate any clarification on the above as all the reviews and comparison articles I’ve read have been very general about the capabilities of the CMSes I’m looking at.

    I’d also appreciate any feedback from anyone who’s tried hosting large media sites with cloud hosting services such as StandingCloud, Cloudways or others.

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  • All the things you want to do can be handled with

    1. Fields
    2. Search

    You might also find these two links helpful:

    Hope these help.

    Thread Starter Firas


    Thanks a lot for the guidance Mike. It’s much easier to read about specific topics or articles dealing with the relevant topic than the general articles I’ve been sifting through the past couple of days. I’ll ready through all of those and hopefully they’ll put me on the right track. Much appreciated ??

    Yep, it’s hard to know where to start. ?? Glad I could help.

    I publish podcasts on my site using the Blubrry PowerPress plugin (https://www.blubrry.com/powerpress/ ). The great advantage is that readers can listen to a podcast or download it. It makes publishing audio files (it can handle video, as well) extremely easy.

    Thread Starter Firas


    Thanks for that great looking plugin kjodle! That looks like a great plugin for what I need.May I ask which hosting service you’re using for your site or where you’re storing your media files? I’ve been looking for a host that I can start out small with but that can scale up to a cloud hosting service. Unfortunately all the ones I’ve come across are either one or the other and have yet to find one that offers both.

    I use Dreamhost, mostly because they don’t use cPanel (yuck!) or Fantastico (yuck!), they’re cheap, and I’ve had good uptime with them.

    I actually use a lot of subdomains on my site. My podcasts are in blog.kjodle.net and I store the media files in media.kjodle.net, which I then set to “noindex”.

    Try that PowerPress plugin. It has a lot of options and is well-supported. I think you’ll like it.

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