• Resolved trevorhartman



    I’m using AMFPHP to get wordpress data into flash / as3. AMFPHP services reside in a separate directory from wordpress. I need access to the wordpress environment to call functions like wp_get_attachement_url. I tried including post.php like so:


    But my service returns:
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_cache_get() in /Users/thartman/Sites/wordpress/wp-includes/post.php on line 226

    Is there a proper way to include the wp enviro so I have access to the wealth of functions?


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  • Thread Starter trevorhartman



    any ideas? or links to other forums? thx – trevor



    get wordpress data …

    this is a common enough issue that you could have searched and found it — its even in the codex.

    To use any wordpress functions outside of wordpress you need to include wp-blog-header.php

    Thread Starter trevorhartman


    thanks. i had tried this but get an error:

    Fatal error: Call to a member function set_prefix() on a non-object in /Users/thartman/Sites/wordpress/wp-settings.php on line 255



    Thread Starter trevorhartman



    if you’re using amfphp and you need access to wordpress, open up globals.php under amfphp and include wp-blog-header.php at the end of the file (right before “?>” )

    require_once “../wordpress/wp-blog-header.php”;

    @whooami: thx for your help, and fyi, i searched my face off before posting. im a php noob, amfphp noob and wordpress noob (but not a programming noob) so i probably wasn’t using the right terms.

    thanks a lot for posting the solution!!

    i guess wp 2.8 broke the classic amfphp, some functions are not working, but some ARE

    since I’m still in AS2, i can’t jump to something like Zend that maybe working flawless… whatever… i digress…

    hi there,
    for anyone working amfphp and wordpress

    i just made this two functions that may be usefull

    Get Image: get the url of the first image attachment of a given post

    		 * Gets the first image of a post of the requiered type
    		 * .
    		 * .
    		 *  @param $ID post_id
    		 *  @param $type thumbnail, medium, large, full
    		 *  @returns File URL or Null
    		function get_image($ID, $type) {
    				if ( $images = get_children(array(
    					'post_parent' => $ID,
    					'post_type' => 'attachment',
    					'numberposts' => 1,
    					'post_mime_type' => 'image')))
    					foreach( $images as $image ) {
    						// $attachmenturl=wp_get_attachment_url($image->ID);
    						$attachmentimage=wp_get_attachment_image_src( $image->ID, $type );
    						// $imagelink=get_permalink($image->post_parent);
    				return $attachmentimage[0];

    Get Pages Menu: returns all pages with order different than 0, and their subpages (this function uses EzSQL, so you have to adapt the queryes it if you don’t use this adapter)

    		 * Gets all the pages that don't have page_order=0, so you can exclude pages from this menu assigning 0 to them.
    		 * This function can be expanded to get a third level of submenus.
    		 * .
    		 * .
    		 *  @returns Array of objects, the first item is the first level, the others are second levels, all levels are ordered by page_order
    		 public function get_menu() {
    			$pages = $this->db->get_results(" SELECT ID, post_title, post_name from wp_posts where post_status='publish' AND post_parent='0' AND post_type='page' AND not menu_order='0'  ORDER BY menu_order ASC ");
    			$menu[0] = $pages;
    			$count = 1;
    			foreach ( $pages as $page )
    				$subpages = $this->db->get_results(" SELECT ID, post_title, post_name, post_parent from wp_posts where post_status='publish' AND post_parent='".$page->ID."' AND post_type='page' AND not menu_order='0'  ORDER BY menu_order ASC");
    				if ($this->db->num_rows>0)
    					$menu[$count] = $subpages;
    	            //echo $user->name;
    	            //echo $user->email;
    			return $menu;

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