• The Word Press Email Notification Plugin has been updated to version 2.3.1.

    Updates to this version:

    * Blog names with commas now display correctly in the from field
    * Changed the default location to look in the WP directory for the wpemn_config.php file
    * Updates the sent flag before sending future dated posts in order to cut down on duplicate e-mails being sent

    If you see anything that looks like a bug or the documentation needs corrected, please comment on the Watershed Studio blog.

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  • I have just downloaded and installed the plugin. The admin bit works fine, it does give me the option when I write a post to notify and it does actually send out emails.

    However, when I post I get the following screen full of errir messages

    Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/www/web454/html/main/wp-content/plugins/wp-email-notification/email_notification_2.3.1.php on line 369

    Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/www/web454/html/main/wp-content/plugins/wp-email-notification/email_notification_2.3.1.php on line 372

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/web454/html/main/wp-content/plugins/wp-email-notification/email_notification_2.3.1.php:369) in /home/www/web454/html/main/wp-admin/post.php on line 127


    got it, was a problem with a table in the DB

    warhonowicz, would you mind telling me how you went about fixing that? I have those same errors.

    I am having problems getting it to subcribe. When I try to subcribe on the site, it takes me back to the main page. WP 2.0.2 is the root of the site. Using ENP 2.3.1. The site is: https://williams2000.com. If I import email addresses, the plugin works flawlessly. It just will not take subscriptions from the site. Any assistance is appreciated.

    I posted a similar question somewhere in Plugins support forum, but there have not been any replies. So, maybe I can get lucky here ??

    My problem is that e-mail notifications are sent out only for Public posts. I tried that and it works when you make a post Public. But when a post is Private, then nothing goes out.

    Is there a fix or solution to this issue?


    But when a post is Private, then nothing goes out.
    Is there a fix or solution to this issue?

    Sorry, but that’s nonsense what you are asking for. If a post is private nobody can see it – except the admin. Why should any notification go out about a post that visitors cannot see? I don’t see the logic…

    That is a private blog for me and my friends. We didn’t want anybody else to see the posts, so all of them are private (well, level 10 and only admins can see level 10 posts; all my friends are admin users on the blog). However, it’s pain to go to the blog every once in a while ane check if anything new was posted. That’s why I would like to have e-mail notification where there is a new private post.

    So, do you think there is a solution to the issue?


    I haven’t yet installed the plugin so when I do this questions may be answered. But I thought I’d ask it here because I haven’t seen it addressed at the plugin site or here.

    I’m currently using Subscribe2, but it’s pretty buggy for me. I have 30 subscribers whom I’d like to export to this new plugin. I see above that you can import subscribers. But is the process explained anywhere?

    Can someone explain to me how you do this:

    4. Run the install script…


    I feel stupid but I don’t know what the instructions mean by “run” the script.

    Figured out how to “run” the script (i.e. by placing the URL for the install.php file’s server location in yr. browser address field & click return) though I wish the author would’ve clarified this a bit for those of us who haven’t run scripts.

    A few wish list items for future upgrades (which also appear on the author’s wish list):

    1. daily digest: I publish several posts on most days & don’t want my subscribers to get separate notices for every one. I’d like to give them the option of a daily digest as Subscribe2 does.

    2. category specific notification: Subscribe2 also allows for category specific e mail notification which is also important to me since my post categories are pretty wide & varied & some subscribers only want notices for one category or another, but not all.

    I have a similar merror message to warhonowicz and zabraba – I’ve installed the plugin and when I access my page I getthis at the top:

    Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/lifeshap/public_html/mag/wp-content/plugins/wp-email-notification/email_notification_2.3.1.php on line 369

    Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/lifeshap/public_html/mag/wp-content/plugins/wp-email-notification/email_notification_2.3.1.php on line 372

    I’m running WordPress 2.0.2 with Email Notification 2.3.1
    – if it’s a db tabel error – how do I fix it?

    @bluecrescent94 (and all others)
    Note that step 7 has a small but significant error in the code.

    The form code should be as follows:
    <form method="post" action="/maillist/index.php">
    Enter your e-mail address to receive notifications when there are new posts:
    <input type="text" name="email" size="12" maxlength="36" />
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="sign up" />

    (the action attribute should start with a ‘/’ to make the URL relative to the domain rather than the particular page you’re viewing)

    I just installed this… everything works EXCEPT it won’t send emails when I post. I realized I skipped the last step of adding <?php email_notification_future_send(); ?> . Once added, I now get these errors :

    Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/band/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-email-notification/email_notification_2.3.1.php on line 369

    Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/band/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-email-notification/email_notification_2.3.1.php on line 372

    Please help, I didn’t even mess with this file.

    Hi band
    To fix this problem, find email_notification_2.3.1.php and edit it using your favourite text editor. Go to line 369, you’ll see something like this: $check_existing_nrows = mysql_num_rows($check_existing_result);.
    Change it to $check_existing_nrows = @mysql_num_rows($check_existing_result);
    Find the code on line 372, and add the @ sign in front of the mysql_fetch_assoc, like what we did to the previous line.

    BTW, I got this whole thing to install fine, but it’s not sending emails. No drop down box on the Write page, and the wp_email_list_future is empty as well, despite me posting several times. Any suggestions?

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