• Steve



    I have a very minimally technically literate author friend who wants a blog with his own domain name and a few static pages. I’m thinking that the best solution for him would be to get a wordpress blog( not his own copy of the app, the service )

    Will wordpress map his domain to his blog? Where does he apply? How much is the charge?

    Can anyone recommend a cheap place where he can get an anonymous domain name registration?

    Please let me know what else is involved.

    Also, I think all of this may overwhelm him. Is there anyway I can start a blog for him with the wordpress blog service, set up his domain, then turn it over _completely_ to him?


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  • Hi.

    I have a very minimally technically literate author friend who wants a blog with his own domain name and a few static pages. I’m thinking that the best solution for him would be to get a wordpress blog( not his own copy of the app, the service )


    Will wordpress map his domain to his blog? Where does he apply? How much is the charge?


    Can anyone recommend a cheap place where he can get an anonymous domain name registration?

    What do you mean by anonymous? You are required to provide accurate information when registering a domain by law. And there are services similar to spamhaus, etc.. that accept submissions for web sites that have “obviously” inaccurate information in the whois record.

    If you want to _cloak_ your otherwise accurate whois information you can use domains by proxy –> https://www.domainsbyproxy.com/

    That’s available with some domain registrars. Ive used it with some of my domains. I do not know if its available with all registrars.

    As for cheap, try Google?

    Also, I think all of this may overwhelm him. Is there anyway I can start a blog for him with the wordpress blog service, set up his domain, then turn it over _completely_ to him?

    Yes, just give him the username and password you signed up with. Change the email on record to his.

    Thread Starter Steve


    Will wordpress map his domain to his blog? Where does he apply? How much is the charge?


    I’ve seen some FAQs related to this. Am I confused? Are those things about people with a wordpress installation mapping their domain to their blog OR people who have a wordpress blog from the wordpress service and the service does not offer that?

    If the wordpress blog service doesn’t offer domain mapping is there a blog service that does? If not what is a good host for getting server space, domain hosting and offers wordpress blogs?


    Try asking for an invitation from https://blogrunn.com/ – plain ol’ wp blogs, free, space – but the only mapping will be as a subdomain such as myfriendsdomainname.blogrunn.com, pretty much like wordpress.com does (though I do seem to remember that wp.com was going to offer mapping for a price – and probably a fairly high one considering…. but it may have been dropped, or just not be ready for prime-time yet).

    I think the confusion is that wordpress.COM (not to be confused with .org where we are) does offer some “for pay” options for the domain “masking.”

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