WordPress Defacement by AriP_ReCA
15 January 2006 04:30:47 Central Standard Time
Dear Sirs and/or Madames,
Please be so kind as to tell me if anyone has had their WordPress site defaced with by AriP_ReCA, InDoneSian NeWbie TouCh YouR SySTeM
I have had two WordPress web site hacked and defaced.
Here is a link to what I am referring to:
Thank you for your attention to the above request and please have a pleasant day!
Frank Eckdall
P.D.How did they do this and what would be the proper counterhack?
Could you provide more information such as which version of WP was being used i.e. was it the latest version?
The other thing to note is that, in most cases, WP is rarely the source point of attack; it’s often insecure passwords, other installed software vulnerabilities etc…
Be sure to change all your passwords. Also, notify your hosting company as soon as you can. They’ll be able to investigate further by examining their logfiles.
I’ve had my website defaced today, on account of the Mohammed-sketches. I’m from Denmark, resident in Finland. Several index-files are gone from different folders. The database is intact.
I’ve contacted my hosting company, and they say that the security leak is in the CMS installed on the server; WordPress.
What should I do?
google’s cached copy of your site shows this:
<meta name=”generator” content=”WordPress 1.5″ />
If you had been a responsible web master you might have kept up with security issues. 1.5 has well-known exploits.
What you should do now should be obvious.. remove that page, and upgrade your wordpress installation to 1.5.2 OR 2.x
To add to whooami’s obvious, also make sure to change all passwords: for WordPress, MySQL, and any host login accounts.
So.. I followed your advice, Kafkaesqui and whooami, and upgraded to 2.0.1. Changed passwords.
And guess what: I didn’t help. Got hacked again the very next day.
My index.php-file keeps getting changed. I have to manually overwrite it with the original file.
I would be happy for any (less condescending) advises from anyone.
In that case:
“I’ve contacted my hosting company, and they say that the security leak is in the CMS installed on the server; WordPress.”
is garbage – it IS their fault.
The structure of a WP blog is predictable and somewhere on the server where your blog is hosted there is a script. This malicious script goes through all the files of all the customers on the server and changes those files it can. It may well be coded to look in certain places – and like I said, WP is predictable.
No host is going to say “Yeah, script kiddie on the server” because that makes them and their apparent security look very very stupid – which it is.Issues like this do pop up here and it has never been the fault of WP. Ever.
If your host fail to acknowledge this in any way, there is only one piece of advice: Move Host.
Thank you, Podz. I will contact them again and see what they say.
and Ill repaste something Podz said, and then ask a question.
“This malicious script goes through all the files of all the customers on the server and changes those files it can”
And what files would those be? Those files that are WORLD WRITABLE, correct?
Its only the host’s fault to the degree that they cannot babysit people that pay for a service. If you, Podz, expect them to be aware of individuals that are uploading, for instance, a file named test.php (I know, I upload malicious scripts named test.php frequently to test my own work’s security), then surely you expect that they need to babysit those that dont understand the capricious notion of leaving OR having world-writable files on the server?
I will reiterate my opinion until I am blue in the face. Its UNSAFE to have those file permissions. And its UNFAIR for any wordpress documentation or anyone here thats officially associated with wp to suggest otherwise. Its also UNFAIR to suggest to anyone that those permissions be applied without explaining the nature and the risk involved.
“Issues like this do pop up here and it has never been the fault of WP. Ever.”
And I disagree.
The allowance of file editing via the backend is a convenience feature. It is NOT a requirement for the software to function as a blog.
A conveneience feature that poses more of a security risk than the conveneience warrants should NOT exist in any application.
This forum is littered with posts by people that (pardon the term) qualify as noobs. If youre going to market AND offer support to people that know little or nothing about what they are installing, would you NOT make the software as secure as POSSIBLE, out of the box??
if you got this far, my apologies. I did not intend to offer condescending advice, and unfortunately, I left off the most important bit.
chmod ALL your files to 644. NOT your directories, just the files.
Whooami – I agree and I don’t ??
Your last point:
What I mean was that WP has no security holes that could be exploited to do this.
I DO agree that having files that are world-writable is an extremely bad thing and that WP is at fault here both in the core and in the area of plugins.
I was wrong with what I said.However… I mentioned in another thread about what I think hosts should do.
Joe buys ‘Joeisgreat.com’
Joe buys hosting with company A
Joe is all of a sudden faced with a whole new world and he has no education in it at all. And he doesn’t actually KNOW he needs to know stuff.
Joe can’t figure out how to get some things working until someone says to use 777.
That works so he sticks with it and he doesn’t know it’s a bad idea – who is to tell him the answer to a question he doesn’t know to ask?Scenario 2:
Joe buys ‘Joeisgreat.com’
Joe buys hosting with company B
Joe is all of a sudden faced with a whole new world and he has no education in it at all. And he doesn’t actually KNOW he needs to know stuff.
Joe has no problem getting things working because the host has made a lot of effort to get things secure.I like 2.
I know it isn’t perfect but it’s a lot better.
Let’s say you had a Dream about a Host that offered you GIGS of space, many many GIGS of transfer – a lot of people would go there. After all, bigger is better. But many of us know that such a host cannot and will not deliver. We know that we have to pay more to get less but we get more in terms of resources and environments.While it is the fault of the end-user by having the wrong permissions, I really cannot lay the blame at their door.
I do blame hosts for not bothering to do their job and I do blame apps that require such broad permissions – WP being one.
Someone will jump on this and say that WP does not need files and folders to be writable. Very strictly speaking, that is true:
IF you use no plugins that write data
IF you never use the core backup facility and save the backup on the server
IF you never use the online editor to do anything whatsoever.
So WP is both being ‘sold’ as easy to use but it also carries a risk – a risk which users are meant to balance.
But many users don’t know.
Hosts would say it’s the users
WP would say it’s the host
and if WP says it’s the user then we should have a whole chunk of Codex devoted solely to what to do with what – and that will never happen.Whooami – I think you are right but my onus is on others, not the user.
I appreciate your honesty ??
The ultimate responsibilty for one’s site doesnt rest with the host, though. In fact, it doesnt really rest on the application.
You know that ive said it before — even under the most ideal of conditions 777 is unsafe.
Ill give you a real world example.
Lunarpages, who is no longer my host, had the last time I checked, an ungodly amount of boxes (30+). On those boxes, they probably had 100-200 customers. 100-200 customers only serving web sites isnt really alot, when youre looking at RAM, CPU speed, etc..
When it becomes alot is when youre looking at “monitoring” what goes on. And honestly, what typically goes on, is this sort of crap. There are plenty of *NIX apps for checking changes to core files, etc/passwd, anything inside /bin, etc..
Let one luser upload a malicious file thats writes to all the 777 files … guess what, 9.99/10 times its not seen, because the system files would never have those wide open permissions.
A VERY simple fix for hosts and some do use it, is to run a quick cron checking perms and reset them if any 777’s are found.
I am a firm believer in the idea that there ought to be a requirement for noobs to learn what it takes, NOT just to have a web site or a blog, but to be a responsible web master/mistress. Far too many people throw up sites without asking the important questions, and they make it harder on those of us that do act responsibly.
On the other hand, software developers know that noobs are using their software. So you code accordingly.
I once installed a blog on a host where absolutely nothing worked unless it was 777.
I also had a host where no matter what I did I couldn’t get anything to be 777.
The subject is so very wide that there just isn’t a book / site / guide that we can point to and say “Follow that” because the number of server environments is so wide.If it were up to me then WP would run core file and folder checks in the same way that some other apps do. But that just won’t happen. So we will continue to get questions like this posted to the forums.
Maybe we should create a good ‘stock answer’ ..see https://neosecurityteam.net/index.php?action=advisories&id=17
wordpress DO HAVE some major security leaks!
=( Interesting….maybe should make this a new topic in itself maybe.. :/
febwa1976, thanks so much lol! Don’t spend much time in that forum really haha… Must have been posted while I was in bed or something…and no one has replied to it within the last few hours so..just didn’t see it. =(
Bookmarked it now though.. =)
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