• I went through all the settings, so I can’t say why / at which action the following errors happened (it hints to “WpdiscuzDBManager-]getActiveUsers”), which I found later in the server log (9 times):

    [Sun Nov 20 14:35:28 2022] [php:notice] [pid 5667] [client xxx] [host xxx] WordPress database error The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okay for query SELECTc.comment_author_email,c.comment_author, COUNT(c.comment_ID) AScount, IFNULL(s.count, 0) ASscount, IFNULL(fi.count, 0) ASficount, IFNULL(fw.count, 0) ASfwcount, MAX(c.comment_date_gmt) ASlast_dateFROMwl_commentsAScLEFT JOIN (SELECTemail, COUNT(email) AScountFROMwl_wc_comments_subscriptionWHEREconfirm= 1 GROUP BYemail) ASsONs.emailLIKEc.comment_author_emailLEFT JOIN (SELECTfollower_email, COUNT(follower_email) AScountFROMwl_wc_follow_usersWHEREconfirm= 1 GROUP BYfollower_email) ASfiONfi.follower_emailLIKEc.comment_author_emailLEFT JOIN (SELECTuser_email, COUNT(user_email) AScountFROMwl_wc_follow_usersWHEREconfirm= 1 GROUP BYuser_email) ASfwONfw.user_emailLIKEc.comment_author_emailWHEREc.comment_approved= '1' GROUP BYc.comment_author_email,c.comment_authorORDER BYcountDESC LIMIT 7 OFFSET 0; made by do_action('wp_ajax_wpd_stat_user'), WP_Hook-]do_action, WP_Hook-]apply_filters, WpdiscuzHelperAjax-]wpd_stat_user, WpdiscuzDBManager-]getActiveUsers`

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by crispress.
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