• theplayahata


    I have a blog at https://www.playahata.com/hatablog/
    I also had a forum/message board running on my site using phpBB. I only mention that part because both accessed the mysql database I have on my site. I have been running wordpess since Jan 2005 with almost no problem. Up until yesterday when neither database driven section of the site would work. I tried to wait it out but it went the whole day with no improvement. I then called my host Yahoo (which I have found allows you to use great tools on their hosting sites but offers almost NO support) but they were of little or no use. I then backed up my database and used their database repair tool but my database driven portions still were not functioning properly. I backed up again and left it alone but it was still not fixed. I then tried using their restoration tool to restore a previous copy of the database (I have 2 backups from 2/15/). After that is seems I started receiving the error belo.

    I know this is a database error of some kind and probably not due to wordpress but has anyone ever see this error code and do you have any idea what it might mean? My webhost hasn’t been very helpful and I’m starting to feel more and more like I’m on my own here.

    WordPress database error: [Got error 127 from storage engine]
    SELECT DISTINCT YEAR(post_date) AS year, MONTH(post_date) AS month, count(ID) as posts FROM wp_posts WHERE post_date < ‘2007-02-15 21:22:13’ AND post_date != ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’ AND post_status = ‘publish’ GROUP BY YEAR(post_date), MONTH(post_date) ORDER BY post_date DESC

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I really need to get my site back up.

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  • vkaryl


    This sort of error is a signal that you need to contact your host provider…. it’s something either they need to explain to you how to handle, or they need to handle on their end.

    Only thing you could try (since you seem to feel the host has dumped you on your own) would be to repair the particular table referred to, or in your case try repairing the whole database.

    But really, you need to get pissy with the host – it IS something on their end; it’s NOT your job to fix, and anything you do may not only not help, it might make things worse.

    Thread Starter theplayahata


    Thanks for your suggestion. I have been calling my host yahoo regularly and at this point my site has been down for 12 days!!! I’ve gotten nothing but the run around from their customer service. One minute they claim someone is working on the issue I call back another time and they act like they barely know what I’m talking about. Even if they ever get this fixed which I kind of doubt at this point after this terrible experience I can’t see myself continuing to do business with Yahoo! Let that be a WARNING to anyone considering using them as a webhost. If you want to user php, mysql, etc I seriously suggest using someone else. It looks like I am going to have to move my site to another webhost which really, really sucks right now as I have a lot on my plate in life in general but can’t just let my site stay broken like this.

    A couple of questions for the wordpress community.
    1) Can anyone suggest another webhost that in their experience is superior to Yahoo! and possibly offers better tech support/customer service?

    2) I have 3 copies of my database stored on my Yahoo domain. They are gzipped. I also have made copies on my home machine. Can anyone tell me how feasible and difficult it would be to copy these files to a new domain and they hookup a database to read this database I had stored on Yahoo? I had a forum/message board and a blog hooked up in my old database with over 2 years worth of data, and I DON’T want to lose it.

    Thanks in advance for an help anyone can offer.



    1. Bluehost or A Small Orange.

    2. As long as those db dumps are not corrupted, you should be in good shape. For pre-move reading: https://www.tamba2.org.uk/wordpress/restore/

    I solved my problem by stop/restart mysqld. After you corrected your database or restore the table from backup, have your host/provider reload the database table or /etc/init.d/mysqld stop (wait a few seconds) /etc/init.d/mysqld start.

    Hi Mike,
    Can you elaborate a little more on your fix? I backed up my database before I tried to repair it. After the repair all it managed to do was erase all my archives.
    So I restored it. Now i’m back to square one.


    I can still post and all my archives are still there. But why just the main page???

    have your host/provider reload the database table or /etc/init.d/mysqld stop (wait a few seconds) /etc/init.d/mysqld start.

    Sorry for the double posting. Yahoo is not being very helpful at this time.

    Is “Reseting” as in deleting and restoring my db the same as stopping and restarting my db tables?

    /etc/init.d/mysqld stop (wait a few seconds) /etc/init.d/mysqld start.

    Where can i run these commands? I have phpMyAdmin installed.

    No and no.

    The only thing you can do – backing up the database… although having a faulty copy with the errors… isn’t really a joy. No, deleting it is NOT the same as restarting.

    Unless you are the server administrator you can NOT do any of those operations.

    (well, the big Y! is not a lucky choice)

    Update…After pestering Yahoo almost on a Daily basis, they did manage to fix this. They said it was one of the plugins that was causing it. I’m not sure exactly what they did, at one point I stopped throwing in my 2 cents and just kept following up on it. It took almost 1 month before it was resolved.

    Sooo….there is hope. Hope this doesnt happen to me again or anyone else.

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