WordPress database error: [BIGINT UNSIGNED
On the firewall dashboard I am getting the following error:
Warning: mysqli_query(): (22003/1690): BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in '(unix_timestamp() - <code>cpanel_wp017</code>.<code>wp54_wflocs</code>.<code>ctime</code>)' in /home/cpanel/public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1924 WordPress database error: [BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in '(unix_timestamp() - <code>vcpanel_wp017</code>.<code>wp54_wflocs</code>.<code>ctime</code>)']
In phpAdmin, I checked and the wflocs table is there and is apparently adding items and functioning as far as reporting of blocked IPs.
In the WordFence diagnostics everything is green and listed as ok under MySQL
MySQL version is 5.7.25 and I use PHP version 7.2.14
I uninstalled WordFence and reinstalled via the www.remarpro.com repository, but no change.
The int for the ctime is 10 but i didn’t mess with it.
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