• I want to set up a structure like this:

    Zip Code —–> Supplier ——-> date/comment
    ——–> date/comment
    ——–> date comment
    Supplier ——-> date/comment
    ——–> date/comment
    ——–> date comment
    zip code ——> supplier —–> date/comment
    —–> date coment

    so it is many zip codes – many suppliers within zip code – many comments within suppliers by date

    Searchable by zip code

    Can it be done with atahualpa/wordpress or will I have to look elsewhere?

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  • If you were to do that in WordPress, I think I would make Zip Code a custom taxonomy, the terms of which would be the actual zip codes. I would make Supplier a custom post type that has access to the Zip Code taxonomy. At that point you can just use the built-in commenting system on the Supplier post type for dated comments.

    Thread Starter raddy59


    Thanks kionae

    Is this a tricky thing to do?

    there are loads of zip codes, and probably loads of suupliers. WOuld that be a problem do you think?

    It would depend on your level of skill. You would have to create the custom taxonomy and post type. You would probably also have to create a theme template for that post type. These links might help you out:


    The number of Zip Codes and Suppliers shouldn’t be an issue.

    Thread Starter raddy59



    My background is as400/iseries/database – so I’m not rweal good at thsi stuff

    To keep it simple I may be able to just attach searchable fields onto each post, the direct the users to the search bar and enter in zip or town or supplier name?

    can this be done do you know?

    You could do it that way, but I’m not sure it would be 100% reliable… and if your site has any other content (pages, blog posts, etc.) that content will also come up in the search results.

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