Because people tend to give admin rights to totally unsuitable folks. And then they get upset because those totally unsuitable folks do stuff that trashes their blog….
Alternatively, they don’t use good passwords, and then some crack program allows entry which is also not a good thing, of course.
Does this mean these people who do this sort of silliness will be better protected by allowing write access to areas on their domains? No, certainly not.
What it means is that NO ONE should hand-hold people who want to use wp. The basic things everyone using wp should know:
1. NEVER give anyone admin access to your blog unless you are holding their firstborn hostage.
2. Use a “quality password” generator religiously.
3. NEVER leave any folder world-writeable.
4. Learn how to use the available options for managing your blog. YOU are responsible for its security. If necessary, YOUR HOST should be able to help you with this; it should never be an option for any script or program to allow 777 (world writeability) to be set on its folders or files; and in fact any program or script which does so should be considered suspect by your host provider.
People who need hand-holding like that should be shuffled off to squarespace or whoever.