• sonshinepenguin


    I am the new web master for the USMFreePress.org newspaper for the University of Southern Maine. Last Fall it was discovered that the plugin was sending duplicate emails for the regular email subscriptions, so it was disabled. I need to start it up again and cannot find much information on the web about how this plugin works.

    Can someone tell me more about this plugin?


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  • mattdu


    What do you need to know?

    I’ve seen the duplication problem and in some cases have corrected it, but I would need to know more about your setup to help out.

    One likely culprit is having a WordPress user who has selected subscriptions in their profile, then manually subscribed via the signup form or had their email address imported into Courier (e.g. a Feedburner CSV).

    Courier doesn’t merge/sync these two lists (registered users vs. manual subscriptions), from what I can tell.

    How did you know the emails were not going out? Are you sure they were not going to your spam/junk mail? Did you get bouncebacks or any other error email?



    This is a tricky situation. I am a student, the other staff are students. Students are in the habit of graduating. This leaves gaps in the understanding of the job, and the duties involved.

    WordPress is not an easy animal to tame. Appanrently someone told me when I was hired that the Courier plugin had been disabled so it would not send emails anymore. I am still looking for the details on how to start it up again.

    I am also toying with Feedburner for my own weblog to test the mailings.




    Opps, different login…same guy, two hats…



    We have decided to use the Courier plugin manually to send the weekly paper email edition.


    I have been finding multiple entries by the same person using “[email protected]” as their address. It shows up about 50 to 100 times in the database and none of them are verified. I have purged the list twice and the same entries were in the list both times.

    We decided to send the email manually from the Dashboard, but it was sent 4 to 5 times.


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