• My site, thelonetree.org , has been breached. An opposing rival has become jealous of my intelligence on the web and has chose to breach my site. He has decided to tease me by placing a small black face on the bottom of my page, near the footer. I wish to know how he did this, and how it can be removed. He did not use the source code for I am on a computer he does not have access to, my personal computer. This as come up before at my other post, however it went away. Yet now it is back. I need this issue solved before I have to go to other “sources”. (Just checked page source and found nothing) (Be aware that it comes and goes, which is making me insanely mad!)

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  • For you, maybe, but it is not there for me to see, so I tend to agree with esmi in your original post: the computer you are looking at things from is the problem, not the web site.

    I see you have posted again on this, so I’ll leave it at this.

    so…. you’re seeing a smiley face in the footer? Does it look like this?


    Yeah. Here you go. Here’s your last cached home page at Google (May 9, 2014 13:17:58 GMT):


    Notice the black smiley face in the footer on the cached page. Here’s the source for the image on the cached page: <img alt="" src="https://stats.wordpress.com/g.gif?host=webcache.googleusercontent.com&rand=0.3653437604134473&v=ext&j=1%3A2.9.3&blog=63561127&post=12&tz=0&ref=" id="wpstats">

    It’s from Jetpack….just find the setting and turn it off..

    Thread Starter TheB741


    Thank you so much ClaytonJames! I assume clearing the cache of my site would fix te probelm, however how did my enemy do this?

    I seriously doubt (based just on what I see) there is any ‘hacking’ involved. The smiley face is evidence of the use – or uniformed misuse – of the wp-stats feature included in the jetpack plugin, or other wp-stats script.

    The worse case scenario I envision happening here, is that you gave someone administrative access to your site and they turned a wp-stats plugin on or off -or- changed the visibility of the smiley through a simple edit of a css file. It’s more likely that a little research and experimentation with the available documentation for wp-stats would
    assuage your hacking fears.

    wp-stats, jetpack, wp-stats smiley face, and any of many other variations of that query are both abundant, and easily searchable here in the forums and – if you prefer – on Google.

    I really don’t think you have any issues of nefarious intent present surrounding that smiley face.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Please do not create duplicate topics.


    Closing this one, continue there as needed.

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