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  • Did you get any response to this, or figure it out?

    I don’t know how WordPress MU works or what Buddypress is but here are two things I have found out:

    1) When editing a page / post, if you add HTML imagemap code into the Text editor (rather than switching to the HTML editor) it will disappear as you’ve shown. Solution: always switch to HTML editor to add HTML (sorry if it sounds obvious)

    2) If you’re using a hosted site you can’t use any additional HTML code (or javascript etc). This is to keep THEIR servers safe and working.

    Yep, as mukaumedia says, don’t use the visual editor at all once you’ve pasted your html code in. Not even for a quick nanosecond sneaky peek of how it might look, as when you switch back, you will find the code has been stripped out.

    Hi guys, I am editing a page/post and I always switch to HTML mode to edit my code. And I am having the same problem. Is it for the same reason as .com, keep their servers safe and working?

    I am inserting a embedded media (Flash) that is aligned to the right. It works fine in Firefox but it doesn’t in Explorer. The media stays on the left side and all the text shows up underneath it. I even set up the publishing setting in Flash to align to the right but Explorer just ignores it.

    Then I tryed to change the <object… code in HTML mode but when I change back to VIEW mode or publish it WordPress keeps changing my code back, or modifying to a weird code. I even tryed to put the <object.. in beteween <div align=center></div> but them WordPress change <div align=center> to <div> and put a <p></p> after </div>…

    Me again… I kind of solved the problem. I “cheated”. I create a table aligned to the right I put the embedded media inside the table. Since Explore didn’t read the cell-padding I added a column to the left of the table. ??

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