• Hey Podz,
    Just would like to express my constitutional right of free speech and say how lousy I think it was of you to close the GoDaddy Install topic, whether there are disagreements in a forum or not, there always can be something learned. You don’t shut down communication just because of a disagreement, that is soooooo not cool, and I might add, un-American.

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  • I am not an American. Do not impose those ways / laws / ‘freedoms’ on me.

    It was degenerating to flames.

    You can express your right to free speech all you want – on your blog.

    and “the Constitution” ?
    That’s VERY US-centric.

    THing is…. as a private organization…. you don’t truly have that right…. the only guarantee the Constitution gives is that the GOVERNMENT may not restrict any such speach…. and even there have been cases that put in limits.


    I happen to agree with Podz closing the topic.
    Not only is it not “unconstitutional” for him to do so, for all the reasons stated above, but the content toward the end of that thread was not productive, nor supportive of the original poster’s problems.

    You know what they say about opinions… and that’s all that post was coming to be full of. It’s one thing to say you’ve had bad/good experiences – and entirely another to argue about them.

    As another non-American… I second the request to be free of your rules being imposed on me ??

    Well hell, I’m American, and I still don’t want the constitution to apply here at the forums. ??

    Yous guys are crazy. Here’s the WP constitution (actually referred to as “forum rules”):

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