• sublevel4


    I am looking to have the ability to place images from coppermine into wordpress posts. I have seen the plugin but it doesn’t work and seemes to be for WP v1.2. Is there one out there for 1.5 or is there a way to make the other one work? Anyone have any ideas?

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  • Was that in response to my inquiry? If so, I think there is some confusion. I using cpmfetch to dynamically load random images from my Coppermine gallery (cpg) into my WordPress sidebar. You sound like you are referring to “theming” one’s Coppermine gallery, which I’ve already done. But thanks….

    It turns out that the problem I was having was related to using the same database (server + username + password) for both WordPress and Coppermine. By upgrading to the latest DEVELOPMENT build of cpmfetch, the problem was solved. (They now force creation of a new DB link identifier within cpmfetch. Previously, if the same DB credentials were used, PHP would just use the existing link; when cpmfetch was done, it would close out that connection, and wordpress would be shut out.) Another way to solve the problem is to create unique database usernames for WordPress and Coppermine.

    I would like to know how you craete a theme for coppermine that is the same as your WP blog?


    I’m having serious problems with Cpmfetch 1.6.2 and WordPress 2.0.3

    Where should i include the cpmfetch header info (including the cpmfetch.php and instantiating the new object cpm(‘/coppermineaddress’);) ?

    Right now i’ve included the header lines into the basic wordpress theme file header.php

    I’ve included also the object disposing (cpm_close) into the footer.php of the theme file.

    My problem is that after instantiating the cpm object, i cannot use it anymore in posts, as it gets unallocated (after leaving the header.php the $objCpm variable doesn’t exist, referring to it with calls such as $objCpm->cpm_viewRandomMedia(1,1,$options);
    only return “”

    My coppermine, wordpress and cpmfetch have been installed correctly, i’ve triple checked everything.

    Would someone please be kind and guide in the proper usage of cpmfetch as i’ve tried nearly everything now….

    Oh and i’d like to remind people that instantiating the cpmfetch object for EVERY single image in my posts is idiotic, i’d like to open one connection in the beginning of the page and shut it down in the end.

    and for the last info: i have cpm and wordpress in the same database but with different usernames, they were both installed with cpanel

    I’m surprised if there is nobody else using cpmfetch + cpm gallery with wordpress :->

    In addition I would like to know how you embed the images into your posts as writing the <?php ?> code isn’t interpret as php but plaintext when loading the pages.

    How to include images from coppermine gallery into wordpress posts?

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