I’m having serious problems with Cpmfetch 1.6.2 and WordPress 2.0.3
Where should i include the cpmfetch header info (including the cpmfetch.php and instantiating the new object cpm(‘/coppermineaddress’);) ?
Right now i’ve included the header lines into the basic wordpress theme file header.php
I’ve included also the object disposing (cpm_close) into the footer.php of the theme file.
My problem is that after instantiating the cpm object, i cannot use it anymore in posts, as it gets unallocated (after leaving the header.php the $objCpm variable doesn’t exist, referring to it with calls such as $objCpm->cpm_viewRandomMedia(1,1,$options);
only return “”
My coppermine, wordpress and cpmfetch have been installed correctly, i’ve triple checked everything.
Would someone please be kind and guide in the proper usage of cpmfetch as i’ve tried nearly everything now….
Oh and i’d like to remind people that instantiating the cpmfetch object for EVERY single image in my posts is idiotic, i’d like to open one connection in the beginning of the page and shut it down in the end.
and for the last info: i have cpm and wordpress in the same database but with different usernames, they were both installed with cpanel