• WordPress Admin Login Page Redirect Loop..

    I have done everything

    Taken off all plugins
    Reloaded wordpress new files again
    Deleted all new users before having the problem
    Changed theme through phpmyadmin
    Changed password etc

    Still no acces to dashboard


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  • if you’re using wp super cache it could be causing the problem, that’s what was causing it for me. if you already tried resetting the plugins by renaming the plugin folder to plugins.hold and it didn’t fix it, then try going into the folder and renaming each one until you find the problematic plugin. just add the .hold at the end of the plugin name…if you’re using super cache, start with that one first…also, when i renamed the plugins folder, it fixed it but as soon as i changed it back, i got the problem again, so if this happens then definitely try doing one by one until you find the one causing the issue. then, just inactivate and delete the plugin causing the problem. i was able to reinstall the plugin that was giving me issues and now it’s fine.

    Moderator t-p


    – It is related to updating WP?
    – Where there any changes that you made to the site prior to this happening? Your .htaccess file can also cause a redirect loop for wp-admin. This is useful for some people.
    – If you have not already, can you login with https://www.yoursitename.com/wp-login.php, or does it give you the same error?

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