wordpress 6.4 query loop and the events calenar
I have wordpress 6.4. I am trying to use its query loop block with the events calendar.
I see 3 post types (post/page/events). The first two work fine, but the ‘events’ type, nothing shows up.
Is there a way to make this work?
Hi @donbowman,
Thank you for reaching out, and I’m sorry to learn of the difficulties.
I am not sure what your end goal is, but I have not been able to reproduce this in my testing environment. However, one thing to note is that past events won’t show up in the query loop, according to my test.
i am trying to achieve a cards-based interface that shows all prvious events, similar to how i do blog posts etc.
for example, my product guide page
i want to have all past events show up like this, a simple featured image, description, and its a link. this is done using query loop.
so your test reproduced in that ‘past events don’t show up’. So how can i see the past events with the query loop.
Hi @donbowman
Thanks for your message.
If you’re using Query Loop block, then the events will be treated as posts and not events. If you want to sort them by event date, I’m afraid it’s not possible. However, you can update their published date to sort them accordingly.
I hope this helps, and please let me know if you have other questions or concerns.
i am trying to extract *only* events. I want to make an array of cards of the past events.
the event type does not show up in the query loop. Are you suggesting it will show up intermingled with my posts? it doest not.
My current events page:
This specific event: https://www.agilicus.com/event/2023-11-23-punching-above-their-weight-municipal-cybersecurity-success-stories-from-across-canada/
that event does not show up as a ‘post’ in the query loop.
the database, i see:
ID: 2671925
post_date: 2023-11-09 18:07:00
post_type: tribe_events
post_status: publishwhen i look in my query loop for posts (not events), and sort newest to oldest, its not there. Same for post type page, and post type events is empty.
So no, i do not think it is returned by any invocaation of the Query Loop in wp 6.4 block.
This reply was modified 12 months ago by
Hi @donbowman
Thanks for your message, and my sincerest apologies for the confusion.
I want to clarify my earlier statement. When I mentioned that the events are treated as posts, I meant that they would behave in the same way as a sorted list of posts. The sorting of events would be based on their date of publication and not the event start/end date, similar to how it would work for selecting the “Post” option from the Query Loop.
So, when you select “Event” from the Query Loop option and sort it from newest to oldest, your events will be sorted accordingly based on the published date. I hope this clarifies my previous statement.
To achieve the “past events” in a Query Loop, you could try updating the published date of your past events accordingly.
Let me know if you have further questions or concerns.
the past events don’t show up at all in the query loop. its not a sorting issue, they are just not there at all. 0 items are returned.
Hi @donbowman
Thanks for your message. Let me share this with the team, and I’ll update you once I know more.
Hi @donbowman
Thanks for patiently waiting. I’m reaching out to let you know that we’ve created an internal ticket to address the issue you reported, and we’ve included your case in it.
Unfortunately, we don’t have an estimated time for when the issue will be resolved, but we’ll keep you updated as soon as a solution becomes available.
Internal Bug Ticket Reference : BTRIA-2145Hi there, I’m also using the query loop to display events and have an additional question: how could I display the event date rather than the published date? There is a shortcode block, so could I use that to display the date?
Hi @mniggemann
You can try using the Meta Field Block plugin to display the event’s start date. However, you’ll need to format the date further, which could require customization that we do not support.
See- https://share.zight.com/5zuvDjKp
I hope this helps, and please let me know if you have further questions or concerns.
Hej @d0153,
Thanx for the tip! I didn’t know that plugin. For now, we are using the Events Calendar Shortcode & Block plugin.
I’d love to have native support for a ‘latest events query loop’ sort of block though, so if you are accepting feature requests …
-martinHi @mniggemann
You can request it by filling out a feature request form at https://evnt.is/ideas. We value the ideas and contributions of our users and often incorporate them into future releases based on the number of votes they receive.
I ran into an identical scenario today on WordPress 6.5.2 with TEC 6.3.6 and wished I had found this post sooner I thought there was an issue with the REST API. Would be great to be able to include past events in a query loop or have additional controls to explicitly show or hide them. Thankfully WordPress makes this possible by allowing you to Extend the Query Loop.
Hey @thebaumgartler,
If you are successfull implementing a Block Variation for TEC, don’t hesitate to share your code here. I’ll be interested .-)
-martinCurrently the status of [BTRIA-2145] is “Reviewed”.
Please note that we prioritize bugs by taking into consideration the number of users impacted as well as how the bug impacts one’s ability to run an event/sell tickets. I don’t have a specific timeline as to when this issue will be resolved, but trust that our team is aware. Our team communicates updates and bug fixes in our newsletter and via our changelog.
I’m happy to help if any other questions are coming up around this topic, otherwise I’ll go ahead and close this ticket.
Thanks again for reporting this issue and for using The Events Calendar! Have a great day.
This reply was modified 12 months ago by
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