Hi Tobias,
Sorry, I must be doing something wrong because when I put your code [add_filter( ‘tablepress_filter_table_cell_content’, ‘__return_false’ );] at the foot of my functions.php file, any tables I import are broken. I get the following warning:
Attention: Unfortunately, an error occurred.
The internal data of table “” (ID 23) is corrupted. The following error was registered: No error.
Because of this error, the table cannot be edited at this time, to prevent possible further data loss. Please see the TablePress FAQ page for further instructions.
This happens if I import an XLSX file or a CSV file. The table is then named: (no name)
The reason there are no rel attributes in the current links is because the links don’t have the target=”_blank” in them and open on the same page. What I need is to open them on new pages for ease of use for my students.
It’s not a big problem, as I can simply put the audio files in a public AWS folder.